Chapter 42

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Avery Adley

The doctor said the xrays and scans showed no displacements or other abnormalities.
He seemed to be quite shocked there weren't any issues other than the fractures.
Especially from where I had broken them before.

We walked out of the building and into the car that was waiting at the back of the clinic.
I was thankful that there weren't any paparazzi around. I hadn't even seen my reflection. I didn't want to either.

We went back home. We exited the elevator and saw Sam and Russell waiting in the living room.

"Hey, cupcake." Russell smiled sadly. I sighed and walked over to him.
I held my arms open. A big grin spread across his face and he hugged me. It was the gentlest hug Russell has ever given me. He would usually squeeze the life out of me.

We took our seats and I sat with Oliver.

"So, Dad hasn't been to the office in the past few days." Russell broke the silence. "I haven't seen him either."

"Do you think you could get me in to his office?" Sam asked. "I need evidence of him being a little rat. I don't have enough to go on. It's all here say and nothing concrete."

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"It would be risky. He's requested that no one go to the top floor until Avery gets back. I'm the only one with clearance. Even the executives have been moved."

"You don't need to get in there." I stated. "You just need my laptop."

Everyone's eyes turned to me.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"You want files and documents with records of his crimes, yes?"

"Yeah." He nodded.

"I've kept records of most of them." Russell and Sam gaped at me. "They're in my laptop and I also have some hard copies in my office."

"Well, where's your laptop?" Sams eyes lit up with hope.

"I must have left both my laptop and phone in my office." I frowned.

"Go and get it then!" He shouted at Russell.

Russell sighed and stood up fixing his suit. "If my little sister wasn't here I would beat your ass." He muttered.

"I'm coming with you." Oliver stood up.

Russell thought about it for a bit. "Okay, fine. I guess that would be believable. I have a meeting to get to now. Meet me in the building at 3pm."

Oliver nodded and he saw Russell and Sam out.

I stood up and made my way up the stairs.

I still struggled to walk on my own. My legs took quite a few hits, after all.
My muscles were knocked around and strained. I wouldn't be surprised if my bones were bruised.

I walked to my room and saw my bag on the floor and my bed was a mess. I picked up my bag and everything that fell out of it. I hung it up in the wardrobe where I found underwear, shorts and a t-shirt.

I stripped as I went. I pulled off my pants and gently tugged my shirt off.

When I pulled it over my head and threw it on the floor I looked up.
My breath caught in my throat.

I had accidentally stopped in front of the mirror.
I stumbled and caught myself on the bench top of the vanity, but I knocked a few items off. A ceramic toothbrush holder smashed to the floor.
I didn't pay any attention to it.

My gaze was fixed on my face.
I had stitches in the top of my forehead and eyebrow.
My right eye was swollen. I couldn't discern what my eye colour was in that one eye and the skin was black and blue.
I had blotches of black and blue all the way down the right side of my face.
The other side was only a little bit better. My eye wasn't as swollen, but was extremely blood shot and the bruises weren't as big.

I couldn't seem to stop my gaze from travelling lower, even though I didn't want to see more.

My neck adorned large purple hand prints wrapping around most of my neck.

My stomach lurched when I saw the hickeys and teeth marks on my neck, shoulders and collarbone.

I held a hand over my mouth.

Bruises of all sizes and description littered my body. You could barely see any of my natural skin colour. It was like someone threw paint at my body.

"Avery?" I turned my head and saw Oliver standing in the doorway.
He looked between me and the mirror then sighed, and began to walk into the bathroom.

Before I could stop him I turned towards the toilet and emptied the contents of my stomach.
I felt a hand hold my hair back while the other rubbed circles on my back.

I flushed the toilet and completely sunk down to the floor.

"Don't touch me Oliver." I stated.


"Look at me!" I cried. "I'm dirty and disgusting! I'm fat and ugly!" The words I've kept scribbled on the walls of my heart materialised and spilled out of my mouth. "I'm stupid and worthless! I'm just so... weak..."

The room was silent. I leaned my head on the wall as silent tears fell. I shut my eyes.

I heard shuffling and the clinking of porcelain.

My eyes flew open the moment I felt myself get lifted up off the floor.

"Oliver?" I asked nervously.

He lowered me down to the bed where he hovered over me.

"Avery, I never want to hear any of those words come out of your mouth." He caressed the side of my face as he rested on his forearms. "You are without a doubt, the smartest, strongest and most beautiful woman I know." He stared directly into my eyes or eye. "You don't have to believe me now. One day you will though. I know they broke you, but you have and will survive them." 

He placed a gentle lingering kiss on my lips. After a few seconds my body decided to kiss him back.
His soft lips pecked and nipped at my own.

He pulled away and just looked at me. I couldn't see anything but affection and care in his usually cold icy blue eyes. Not even an ounce of pity, much unlike everyone else's.

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