Chapter 25

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Avery Adley

I woke up at the usual time and got ready for work.

I had breakfast and my usual cappuccino and made my way out.

On the way to work I noticed many people staring. Some with curiosity, others with jealousy and envy and some with judgement.

I finally made it to the office, only to have nearly everyone I pass stop and stare. I kept my head down and continued on.
I couldn't work out what was happening. Why all these people were staring at me. I checked over my skirt and blouse, nothing seemed to be out of place.

I walked into my office and put my things away. I got ready for the day and prepared Mr. Adley's usual coffee.

I turned on my computer and prepared the schedule.
Thankfully we didn't have many meetings. Except Sova Communications were coming in for a meeting with Mr. Adley.
A cold shiver ran down my spine.

I brushed my thoughts aside before they could begin their usual torment.
I opened the web browser on my computer. My eyes widened when the news homepage opened.

Right on the screen were pictures of me and Oliver.
A few were of us arriving at the gala and one of use leaving in the rain.
The next one filled me with dread. It was a picture of us kissing on the hotel rooftop.

The article included lines such as:
Who is this mysterious woman?
The first woman to be taken to an event with the enigmatic Oliver Black. Is she the first to claim his heart?

The rest went on to talk about Oliver's dating history. I was shocked to learn that he never took other women to events and always showed up alone.
There were some more questions about me and wondering who I was.

I sighed and decided to distract myself with work.
A small knock sounded on the door. I looked up and saw a young woman standing with files in her hands.

"What can I do for you?" I asked.

"I'm Gemma from PR." She smiled. "I have some files for you to pass on to Mr. Adley."

My eyebrows furrowed as I took the files. "What happened to Aaron?"

"Oh, he was fired." She frowned. "He kept coming in late and would miss meetings. Sometimes he would just disappear. Over time his appearance even became more disheveled. Some people were even saying he was on drugs."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Oh wow." I breathed out. "He always seemed well put together."

"I know." Gemma sighed. "He was a nice guy, but he started becoming agitated. Anyway, I better get back to it! I don't want to be the next to lose my job." She laughed.

Did he fall in with the wrong crowd?

I smiled and thanked her. I went to Mr. Adley's office and knocked on the door.
I heard the muffled come in and walked in.

"Sir, I have the files from PR." I said and placed them on his desk.
I then read his schedule. "Do you need anything else, Sir?"

"No." He grunted out.

The day dragged on. I diligently did my work as usual, but the meeting I was dreading came closer.
Thankfully, I wouldn't be attending but I would have to tend to the lecherous old man.
Even though he's married and has grown children and even grandchildren, he's still a raging pervert.

I readied a tray with water, glasses and a selection of small cakes.
I set it down in my office and waited nervously. I rubbed my sweating palms on my navy blue skirt and waited.

I stood when I heard the reception phone in and went out to greet the awful person.

"Mr. Denner, w-welcome." I sent a tight lip smile.

"A pleasure as always, Avery." He smirked. He didn't even try to hide the fact that his eyes were raking my entire body. They were just filled with a dark desire.

"Please, follow me. Mr. Adley is waiting for you in his office."

I knocked on his door and waited for the 'come in'.

"Mr. Adley, Mr. Denner is here to see you." I said politely.

"Show him in."

I opened the door wider and the two men greeted each other warmly.
They were very much the same sort of people. Manipulative and cruel.

I picked up the tray and walked back to Mr. Adley's office. They were both sitting on the lounge chairs in the corner.

"So, you're working on it?" Mr. Denner asked.

"Yes, I'm working on a plan to take Black Industries deals and clients." Mr. Adley wore a smug expression. "You keep trying to get shares and an increase in profit."

My eyes widened and I set the tray down on the coffee table.
This wasn't the first time he'd done this to someone. But to do this to Black Industries is professional suicide.
I doubted that Oliver wouldn't work it out even if he used a distraction.
I could see he his end game in taking power and having Black Industries in the palm of his hand.

I stiffened and my breath was caught in my throat when I felt a hand feel and squeeze my ass.
I held in the tears and minimised my trembling.

I did my best to ignore the hand that was sliding it's way down my legs to the hem of my skirt. I finished my task and briskly walked out.

Before I shut the door I heard Mr. Denner say "I will have her."
"Of course" was Mr. Adley's reply.
My mouth ran dry and by blood went cold.

I ran to the bathroom and threw up.
After cleaning myself up I locked myself in my office and landed in my chair. I released a breath and squeezed my eyes shut. Hoping that I could keep the memories at bay.

They already haunt my sleep, I don't need them to haunt me more than they do when I'm awake.

I desperately tried to brush the feeling of disgust and dirtiness away.

My thoughts took me to Oliver.
How would he feel about a woman who was defiled and dirty? I had been degraded and defeated. I waw beyond repair.
What would he do with me once he found out?
I had already begun to feel attached to him. The warmth and protection that came naturally with his presence, was something I hadn't felt for a long time.

I don't know what I would do if he treated me with disdain.

After Mr. Denner left Mr. Adley called me in.

"Yes sir?" I asked nervously.

"What you heard, does not leave this room. Understood?" His eyes burned onto my own.

I swallowed and nodded. "Yes, sir." My voice was quiet and hoarse.

"Good. If it gets out I won't hesitate to throw you to Denner for whatever he wants you for." He smirked. "He'd probably lock you up and treat you like a pet."

My eyes widened and my breath hitched.
He already agreed to give me to him...

I pushed back the tears and the fear.

"Now, get me those files on the acquisition of Westsea Logistics." He ordered.

"Y-yes sir." I left and quickly got his files before going about my work.
I could barely focus after seeing Mr. Denner.

He was the first man to touch me in ways I only hoped a kind man would. A 67 year old man, was the first to touch me so intimately. I knew he wouldn't stop, he's been so persistent. He wants only one thing from me and would be happy to take it by force.

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