Chapter 32

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Avery Adley

The night had ended and we were all about to leave.

"You!" Leah stormed over towards me. Her hair was a mess and mascara was running down her face.

The crowd parted as she continued towards me. "You are a fucking bitch! I thought if I scared you enough you would leave!" She growled.

"Leah!" Mother exclaimed. "Stop!"

Leah's eyes held a murderous glare and she swiftly raised her hand and slapped me across the face. My head snapped to the right and I stumbled back slightly while holding my cheek.

Gasps echoed from the crowd.
I was pulled behind a strong back just as she was about to reach for my hair.

"Leah, enough." Oliver's voice remained eerily calm. "Russell, escort her out before I get security to do it for you."

Russell stepped forward and tried to calm his wailing sister.

Oliver turned around and replaced hand from my cheek with his own. "Are you okay?" His eyes held concern.

"I'm okay. Thank you for stepping in."

"Of course. Now, let's go." He held my hand and we walked through the whispering crowd.

We stepped through the lobby and outside. We were immediately surrounded by reporters. Blinding flashes went off and questions were yelled over the top of one another.
Some people had caught on to Leah's condition and what happened inside.
Others just wanted to know about us or what it would mean for the business.

Oliver held me by my waist and the security made a pathway through the crowd.
We stepped in to the black SUV and began driving.

"Alissa has already organised for your things to be moved to my apartment." Oliver broke the silence. "You'll have your own room. Although you're welcome to share." He chuckled.

I smiled politely. "Okay."

I know eventually we would have to share. But, I don't know if I can handle what marriage entails.

We stopped outside a large building with large windows.
Oliver helped me out and we walked through yet another crowd of reporters.

"All of this will die down." Oliver said. "They won't be interested in us forever."

I nodded as we made our way through the high class light filled lobby. I felt out of place.

We were greeted by a receptionist on our way to the elevators.

"This is a private elevator. It can only be accessed by someone with a key card or when they've been buzzed in." He showed me his key card and swiped it through the reader. "I had one made for you already."

The elevator opened and we stepped in. It took us straight to the top floor.

I walked out and was in awe.
It was an open plan spacious apartment surrounded by floor to ceiling windows meeting the cool dark marble floor.

I'm beginning to think they like marble.

My heels clicked along the polished floor.
There mostly cool tones with some warm greys and brown's.
I gravitated towards the window in the living room.
The view was better than Adley Corporations.
The clouds were rolling in and looked to be a dangerous grey.

"What do you think?" Oliver asked.

"This place is amazing." I said staring out at the city lights.

"I'll show you your room-"

"Avery?" Gerard called from up the stairs.

Slightly startled I turned around to face the heavy footsteps on the stairs.

"Gérard? Que fais-tu ici?" I asked confused.
(Gerard? What are you doing here?)

"Avery, tu es superbe!" He exclaimed and hugged me. "Oh, et je suis là pour vous aider à vous déplacer, bien sûr!"
(Avery, you look stunning! Oh and I'm here to help move you in, of course!)

He came and hugged me then pulled me with him upstairs.
I walked into, what I was assuming was my room. Alissa stood in the larger than necessary walk in. It was full of women's clothes and shoes.

I looked around and furrowed my eyebrows. "Ce ne sont pas mes vêtements."
(These aren't my clothes.)

"Absurdité! bien sûr ils sont." Alissa swatted my arm.
(Nonsense! Of course they are.)

"This is courtesy of Erica." Oliver leaned on the door frame. He had taken his suit jacket off. "I think she went a bit mad, but it's what she's good at. If you don't like anything give it to her. Otherwise, you better make use of it. No one else will."

I sighed and nodded. "Thank you so much." I said shyly.

I honestly needed clothes. I had been panicking most of the week. Leah didn't even spare my underwear from her rampage.

I looked around the room and admired the view that I could see from my window.
Something caught my eye in my peripheral. I turned to the bedside table and saw a singed photo of my parents.

A tear escaped my eye, but I quickly wiped it away.
I never thought I would be able to have them out of the box.
I was always scared someone would destroy them all.

I smiled and hugged Alissa.

"Okay, we should be going." Alissa smiled at me. "If you need anything anytime. Call me."

I nodded and hugged her and Gerard.

Oliver left to his study. He said he would give me a tour tomorrow.
I pulled out a sleep shirt and some shorts.
I tried to unzip my dress but it was nearly impossible.
I groaned and then sighed.

I searched for the office and walled down a hall. I saw a door at the end with light peeking out underneath.

I knocked on the door and waited for a 'come in'.
I opened the door and saw Oliver sat reading some files.

"Do you need anything?"

"Um.. Yeah, could you help me with the zip please?" I asked nervously.

"Of course." He smirked and stood up.
His eyes held something dark. Something I couldn't read.

I turned around and secured the dress to my chest. His long fingers gently brushed my hair over my shoulder. I could feel his breath fanning down my neck and back.
Slowly, he unzipped my dress. His fingers grazed my bare skin. I felt a shiver run down my spine and tingles erupted at my core.

I was about to walk away when the zip reached the bottom. I was stopped by a pair of arms sliding around my waist and his warm breath coming closer to my skin.

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