Chapter 15

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                      Oliver Black

I thought Avery had been in the bathroom for too long, so I left Leah and found the toilets.

I heard some fumbling and an incoherent shout.
A bad feeling settled in the pit of my stomach.
I followed the hallway down and saw the unmistakable head of red hair.
Avery was struggling against a man that had her against the wall.
I could hear her whimpers and cries.

I felt my blood boil and pulled the son of a bitch off of her.
I threw punch after punch.
He fell to the ground.
I wound my arm back to throw another but soft sobs pulled me out of my anger fuelled haze.

I turned back and saw Avery on the ground holding her arms around her body for warmth and protection.

When I moved closer to her small body, she flinched away from me.


"Avery." I spoke softly and gently. I was afraid of scaring her further.
I slid my hand under her chin and lifted her face up.
Her eyes were wide with fear. Blood trickled down her lip.
A look of relief flooded her eyes.

With the pad of my thumb I wiped her tears that were coating her cheeks.
"Its okay." I breathed out. 

It's not fucking okay at all.

Avery's small trembling body flung herself into my arms. I instantly wrapped my arms around her small frame and rubbed her back gently.
Her head was nuzzled in my neck and I could feel the wetness of her tears soak my shirt.

I pulled my phone out and rang one of my body guards. When I turned around the guy was gone.

"Yes Sir?"

"Bring the car around back." I ordered and hung up.

I grabbed Averys clutch that was on the floor.
I was shocked at how light Averys petite frame was when I moved to pick her up.
I took the back exit and found Tony waiting by the car.
He opened the passenger door where I placed Avery. She was reluctant to let go.
I almost wished I could keep her in  my arms forever. Safe and sound.

"Avery, you're safe." I cooed and cupped her cheek. She leaned into my hand and nodded.

Sighing, I stood up and shut the door.
I pulled my phone out and rang Russell.

"Dude! Where'd you guys go?" His voice was nearly drowned out by the background noise. "Dont tell me you're trying to bang my baby sister!"

"Russell, some guy attacked her when she went to the bathroom."

"Wait what?!" He all but yelled. "What the fuck?! Where is he?! Is she okay?! Did he hurt her?!" He fired off his questions furiously.

"Calm down, she's okay just shaken up at the moment." I tried to reassure. "I managed to get the bastard off of her, but he got away when I was checking on Avery."

"Okay." He sighed. "Could you take her home? I'll send you the code for the gate. I'll find Leah and hopefully meet you there."

"Yeah, I can do that."

I hung up and got in the car. A few sniffles came from Avery but it at least seemed like her tears had dried up.
I took off my blazer and wrapped it around her. Then, pulled a few tissues out of the glove compartment.

"Your lip's still bleeding." I wiped the blood off her chin and lip. "Hold it there and hopefully it will clot."

She lifted her still shaking hand and placed it on the tissue.
"Thank you." Her voice was hoarse.

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