Chapter 5

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  Avery Adley

I groaned as my alarm screamed at me indicating it was 6am and time to get ready for work.

My head was killing me thanks to Mr. Adley's beating yesterday. I wouldn't be surprised if I had a concussion. Alissa must have asked Gerard to bring me up.

I took 2 Panadol tablets to hopefully make this pounding in my head subside.

I rolled out of bed and walked straight into the ensuite.
I nearly died when I saw my reflection. I had small bruise on my hairline. My make up was smeared and tear stains covered my cheeks.
One cheek was swollen and I had a large bruise around my neck in the shape of a hand print.
Just to top the look off, my hair looked like an absolute birds nest.

I sighed tiredly.
I'm so sick of this.

I've been at the mercy of the Adley's since I was 8 years old.
Maman was beautiful and Papa was kind and gentle.
Papa ran Adley Corporations back then. As the older brother it was passed down to him after his father retired.
There was a bit of a rift between Papa and Mr. Adley.
Mr. Adley was jealous that he was successful and brought the company out of debt and made it flourish, winning multi-billion dollar projects and moving into different markets.

Mr. Adley has only just been able to maintain the status by investing in questionable deals and businesses.

Papa and Mr. Adley were never close, they only tolerated each other at functions and for business.
After the fire, I was sent here and treated harshly ever since.

I quickly washed the make up off of my face and stepped into the shower.
I washed my hair and body and stepped out to dry my hair and face.

I blow dried my hair before smoothing and tying it into a high pony tail and began with natural make up that covered my swollen cheek and slightly puffy eyes.

I wore a black turtleneck chiffon blouse in the hopes to hide the bruises around my neck. I slipped on dark grey slacks and tucked it in before sliding a belt around my waist.
I picked up my dark grey blazer and black coat and slipped my black pumps on.

I made my way to the kitchen and sat down for breakfast where Gerard pushed a plate of bacon and scrambled eggs and a cappuccino in front of me.
I smiled greatfully at the sight of coffee.

"Comment ça va?" He asked with concern lacing his kind face.
(How are you feeling?)

"Je vais bien." I smiled weakly. "Je suis désolé de t'avoir dérangé"
(I'm okay. I'm sorry to have bothered you.)

Gerard nodded and was about to reply when Leah walked in the door. She was still in her pyjamas and sat down at the island bench next to me.

"Coffee." She grunted out.

"Oui." He quickly got to making a latte for the princess.

Leah looked over at me and scanned me up and down. With a perfectly manicured hand she stretched down the collar of my shirt to reveal the bruises. I winced as it snapped back into place.

A smug smile was plastered to her face. "I hope you remember your lesson." Her tone was innocent but her words held a warning.

I finished my breakfast and turned to Gerard. "Dis à Alissa que je vais bien."
(Tell Alissa I'm okay.)
A sad look swept over his face as he nodded.

I could see Leah roll her eyes. She didn't understand French, neither did mother or Mr. Adley.
Russell knows a little bit. He convinced me to teach him one summer because "it would impress the chicks."
Mother only wanted a French chef because it would seem sophisticated.

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