Chapter 52

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Avery Adley

"Papa! It hurts!" I gasped and coughed out. My lungs burned and the air was heavy and thick. "Maman!" I cried.
I was so scared by the heat and the loud noises of the house creaking and lurching.
Smoke crawled it's way under my door.
I hid under the bed. I tried to run out the door but it was too hot.

I could hear muffled shouts and screams. Someone was calling out for me. I couldn't suck in enough air to call out anymore.

As the air grew thicker it became harder and harder to breath. I coughed and sputtered.
Tears clouded my vision, which became blurry. Darkness was edging it's way in. It was unstoppable.

The door crashed open along with the large body of papa.
He held a damp cloth over his mouth. His eyes sought me out and I used whatever strength my little body had left and scrambled out.

"Avery!" He rushed over to me and scooped my weak body up. "You have to go out the window, baby."

"Papa, what..." A fit of coughs racked my body.

"I'll go and find your Maman. It'll be okay. We love you so much pumpkin." He moved to the window and gave me a kiss. I could see the glistening tears in his grey eyes, before a large crash made us both jump.

It was increasingly difficult to see. Smoke billowed in and flames licked at the door Papa had just crashed through.

I was dropped to the ground as gently as he could manage. It was a fall and a half.
I didn't feel the impact, my body was numb.

Minutes passed until I heard their screams and I blacked out completely.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I heard their screams echo in my head. Flashbacks tore through my mind. I had supressed them for so long.

Their screams were haunting. My childhood home collapsed in front of me.

I think Papa knew he wasn't going to be able to get out. He would have died trying to get Maman out of the house.

My feet moved on their own.

I knew where I was heading and was too angry to care. Rage pumped in my veins.
After everything I've lived with, I had never felt such a white hot fury. It was like all my suppressed raged and hatred had finally burst through the cracking dam along with all of my memories that I tried so hard to hide.

Tears fell down my cheeks, but I didn't care to wipe them away.

My heels clicked on the concrete. The walk didn't calm me at all.
I made my way into the building receiving curious and concerned looks.
The elevator opened as soon as I got close. I pushed through people and entered.
As soon as the doors opened I practically flew to the office I once loved as a girl.

I pushed the doors open effectively startling Adley who was talking to mother.

"What do you think you're doing?!" He roared and pushed himself up and out of his seat.

"You! You were the one who killed them!" I screamed. "How could you?! You were his brother!" Tears continued to stain my cheeks.

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