Chapter 50

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Avery Adley

Oliver had to practically drag me out of bed for the 4am flight.
He only succeeded by promising me I could sleep comfortably for the next 16 hours if I wanted to.

I couldn't believe I nearly spilled and told him.
I knew I had to keep my mouth shut until I could look at our situation a little clearer.
But it was hard. Every time he smiled at me, called me beautiful or told me he would protect me, my heart would swell and those words would want to force themselves out of my mouth.

I wanted everything with him. He already had my heart. Whether he knew it or not.
Oliver stuck some of the pieces back together and carved his name.

He was my protector, but I also wanted to protect him.

I felt I could tell him anything.

But what would he think of those 3 words?

I looked down at the ring on my left hand. It was beautiful.
I was afraid to wear it at first, but got used to it. Now, I think I would feel naked without it.

"I spent a whole week looking for a ring." Oliver said quietly. I looked up to see him gazing at the engagement ring over his laptop. "I ended up having it designed and made. I wanted something that would suit you. Elegant, classy, stunning." He smiled.

I blushed and looked back at my ring with a soft smile.

I stood up and made my way to the bathroom.
On my way back to my seat there was a little turbulence causing my steps to falter. I clutched a seat to steady myself.
Oliver pulled me in one swift movement onto his lap.
I blushed and looked away from his stare. I heard a defeated sigh.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked.

"Not at all." I said simply and smiled.

Although, I think it was unconvincing as Oliver let out an aggreived huff and let me go. I clambered off of his lap and felt the tension increase.
We spent the rest of the flight in silence.

We landed in New York at about 8pm.
The same silence stretched on between us all the way home.

I couldn't feel more relieved when I got back to the apartment. I was able to shower and put our things away.

Just when I finished unpacking, the door to the bathroom opened. Steam filtered out into the bedroom.
Oliver wore his sweats and no shirt, displaying his obviously toned muscles.

His face looked more tense than when he left to have his shower.


"Yes?" I looked away and down at my hands.

"Why have you been avoiding me?"

"What do you mean?" I asked still keeping my gaze on my hands.

"You barely look me in the eye, our conversations are short and I rarely saw you these last few days."

I stiffened. "I've just been tired. I'm not doing it on purpose. I'm sorry."
It was mostly the truth. I wasn't doing it on purpose.

I knew I was handling this whole thing childishly.

He sighed and lifted my chin.
He honestly looked a little hurt.
I felt a pang in my chest.

"If I've done something, you can tell me." Oliver's voice was low and his eyes were pleading.

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