Chapter 33

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Oliver Black

I pressed my lips to her smooth milky skin.
Her breath hitched and I pressed more kisses over her back, neck and shoulder.

"O-Oliver...?" Her soft voice filled the quiet room. Just her saying that one word was enough for me to become... over excited.

I reluctantly pulled back and trailed the back of my finger down her back. I felt her shiver under my touch.

"Sorry." I smirked a little in triumph. "You're all unzipped."

"Th-thank you." I could see a blush reach her ears as she clutched her dress to her chest.

She shut the door softly behind her. I went back to my desk and flopped in my chair.

This going to be hell.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I had never wanted a woman so much. And here I was living with a woman who makes my body react without having to do anything.

I feel like a teenage boy.

Deciding I wasn't going to be able to focus on anything, I had a cold shower and went to bed.

I woke up and threw on a t-shirt and a pair of sweats and walked down stairs.
The smell of bacon and eggs made my mouth water.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Avery cooking away.
I admired her in her cotton shorts which showed more leg than her usual outfits I've seen. Her legs were long and toned. She looked impossibly sexy in her oversized shirt and her tied up red hair swayed along with her graceful movements.

"Good morning." I yawned.

"Good morning." Avery smiled politely. "I hope you don't mind me using the food that was in the fridge."

"Of course not. You're welcome to anything here. This is your home as much as it is mine."

A moment of shock seemed to pass over her face. Grief was seen in those big grey eyes and a sad smile graced her face.

I was a little puzzled but left it.

Who knows what that family had done to her.

Avery had already set the dining table and I helped bring over the plates of food and coffee.

"Thank you for cooking. You really didn't have to."

"It's not a problem." She smiled and we dug into our food.
We passed the time in silence. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable.

As soon as the scrambled eggs hit my tongue I was in heaven.
"These eggs are delicious." I practically moaned. "How did you learn to cook?"

Avery giggled lightly. "Even though Gerard didn't allow me in the kitchen, I picked up a thing or two just by watching him." She smiled. "This is about all I can do though."

I shook my head. "This is enough. I'll happily live off of this." I forked more food into my mouth.

Avery chuckled as she continued eating.

Her chuckles, giggles, laughs were all music to my ears. I couldn't get enough of hearing her voice. But, I wanted to hear a laugh that was real and see a smile that reached her eyes.

I couldn't, for the life of me understand what was happening to me.

"I will probably be late home a lot this week, we've had a few problems at the office."

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