Chapter 11

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                       Avery Adley

I made it to work. Thankfully Mr. Adley didn't yell at me much or hit me, to my relief.

His hangover must have been keeping him quiet.
Apart from asking for the usual files and giving me orders, he only asked for aspirin, water and coffee.

But, when I went to the toilet I had blood in my urine.
I was hoping it was only from a bruised kidney or something.
I took an Advil and hoped for the best.

"How's it goin'?" Russell asked as he took a bite from his apple.

I looked up and smiled at him. "Good. He's quiet today. I suspect he has a hangover."

Russell chuckled and leaned on the door frame. "That's always a good thing."

"What can I do for you Russ?" I asked.

He faked hurt. "Trying to get rid of me that quickly?"

I chuckled and leaned back in my seat. "Of course not." I smiled up at him.

"You're coming out with me tomorrow night." A wicked grin spread across his face.

I pursed my lips. "I don't know, you'll have to ask Mr. Adley."

"Already did!" He grinned. "He doesn't care."

I sighed. "Where are we going?"

"A club."

I groaned. "But-"

Clubs always mean trouble. People just grind on each other and get drunk.
It's a great place for sleazes to congregate.

"No buts! You're coming with me Cupcake." He smirked as he backed away.

As he did he nearly backed into Aaron, who was glaring at him.

What's wrong with him?

"Oh, sorry man." Russell apologised and walked off.

"Who was that?" He snapped as soon as he stepped into my office.

My eyes widened at his hostility. I blinked a couple times at him and realised he was becoming even more pissed off with the silence.

"Uh.. Russell..." My eyebrows scrunched together. Everyone knows Russell. "Dont you know who he is?"

"I wouldn't ask if I knew, Avery." He gritted out. "Why the hell is he calling you Cupcake?"

I stood from my desk. "Calm down, Aaron. He-"

Aaron stepped forward and caught my wrist in a tight grip and pulled me closer toward him.

"Don't tell me to calm down." His frown deepened and I winced. "Answer my question."

"He's my brother. He's Russell Adley, the next CEO." I answered quickly and breathlessly. "He's always called me Cupcake. What's it to you?"

His hold on my wrist loosened and his features softened.
"Avery, I-I'm sorry. I just felt really... protective over you." He sighed. His eyes looked at me apologetically. "It won't happen again."

"It better not." I mumbled and rubbed my wrist.

"I promise." He sent me a small smile. "How about I buy you lunch?"

"I can't leave the office today. Maybe some other day." I said as I moved back to my seat.

"Okay, I'll buy you lunch next time." His usual smile returned to his face.

I watched him leave, still wondering what in the hell happened.

Any appetite I had was lost after that encounter. My heart still pounded in my chest.

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