Chapter 27

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Avery Adley

I sat in Mr. Adley's office trembling as he paced around the room.
He only told me to sit down when I was in serious trouble.

"Because you couldn't keep your hands to yourself, Oliver wants fucking security on you!" He growled.

I kept my gaze on my shaking hands that sat on my knees nervously.

"Now I have to organise a goddamn car to pick you up and drop you off!" He roared. "You're not even worth the amount of money I have to spend!"

"S-sir.. I-I can look after myself. I d-don't have to have s-security..." I gulped. "I'll- I'll catch a cab instead."

A sharp smack on the ear sent my head moving from the force. My ears rang a little.

"Stupid girl." He muttered. "But, fine."

I breathed a sigh of relief. However it was short lived.
I was pulled from the chair and thrown to the floor. A kick to the ribs made a cry of pain release itself.

I held my side and gritted my teeth. I was sure some ribs were broken.

"That's for getting us into this mess. How will Leah feel?! She's in love with the man for God sake!" He yelled. "I had to sit through a god damn lecture from that bastard about not allowing the family talk to the media! He even had the gall to remind me about the nondisclosure clause in the contract!"

I rolled onto all fours to get myself up. Unfortunately Mr. Adley took it as an invitation to kick me in the gut.
I collapsed to the ground with a pained grunt. Every move was hurting my ribs.
He crouched down near my face while I tried to steady my breathing.

"I bet you didn't know about the clause I added in." He whispered and grinned maliciously. "It says if anything happened to you, he would marry Leah."

My eyes widened. I forgot all effort to make my breathing steady. My heart raced and I pulled myself to my feet.
I got out of Mr. Adley's office and into my own. His loud laughter echoed after me.

I sat in my desk chair and broke down. I held my head in my hands and cried.
I couldn't stop trembling. Any sense of safety I had left swirled down the drain.

I jumped when my phone rang. I wiped my eyes and nose and cleared my throat.

"Avery Adley."

"Avery," Natalie spoke. "There's a reporter on the phone who would like to speak with you."

"Don't let any reporter's or members of the press get through. If they want a statement tell them to send an email with the guidelines attached. If they're after information about my relationship with Mr. Black then please turn them away immediately."

"Okay. Will do." She said flatly.

"Thank you." I sighed and hung up.

I closed my eyes for a second and tried to remove the sting from crying.

I know it's only a matter of time before they figure out who exactly I am and those rumours get dragged out.

I fixed my make up and hair and tried to keep my movements to a minimum.
I took a couple Advil. I've fractured ribs before, but this hurt a hell of a lot more.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack and sat with it while I did my work.

My cell started ringing. I picked it up without looking at the caller ID.


"Avery, how are you?" My eyes widened slightly as Oliver's voice came through the speaker.

"I'm well, thank you. How are you?"

"I'm fine." He said simply. "I'll be picking you up after work tonight."

"Oh No, that's okay. You don't need to do that." I quickly turned him down.

"I insist. I've caused enough problems for you this week."

I sighed. I knew he heard it over the phone because I could hear a light chuckle. "You know there's no point in arguing with me."

"One of these days-" I started.

"Avery!" Mr. Adley called angrily.

I sighed again. "I have to go."

"Okay, I'll see you later it may be around 8pm."

I didn't reply as I hung up and rushed to Mr. Adley's office.

"Yes sir?"

"We lost the damn acquisition!" He roared.

"What?" I breathed out in disbelief.

That earned me a slap that caused my weak body to fall to the ground. I felt a trickle of blood leak out of my nose and down my chin.

Who knew just a slap could give you a blood nose?

I held some tissues up to my nose to soak the blood and stop from creating a mess.

"Its all that fucking Oliver Black." He growled.

"Get out!" He screamed making me jump.

I left and went back to my office. Work piled up, I was thankful for it. It kept my mind from thinking about what he said earlier as well as the little visit from Mr. Denner.

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