Chapter 6

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                      Avery Adley

"Leah got herself into some trouble!" Mr. Adley growled as he paced the room. "The paparazzi got pictures of her absolutely drunk and leaving the club with some guy on Friday night."

I sighed and rubbed my forehead.

"They followed her to a hotel and she didn't emerge until morning." He sighed. "I need you to do what you have to do to have it removed. They haven't published anything yet. Contact the lawyers see if there are any grounds for a lawsuit or buy them out."

"Yes, sir."

"Do not leave until it's dealt with. I still expect your work done and up to standard." He growled as he ran a hand over his face. "I do not want the Blacks to see this."

"Of course sir." I immediately went to my desk and put my bag and coat away.

Thankfully most of my work was completed and submitted.
I could focus my time on this disaster she's created. No doubt it would cause a media frenzy.
Last time it was drugs, the time before that was a pornographic video and the time before that was a car accident while she was drunk.

I managed to get rid of evidence of them ever happening. It just took a large amount of time and money.

Thankfully this one was more simple and didn't involve the police.

I rang the number of our lawyers and found out that there are no legal grounds as they weren't trespassing nor had they published with false or misleading captions... yet.

I rang around to various editing companies to find out any information on the photographer and also threaten with legal action if anyone purchases the story.

By the time the early hours rolled around I had managed to negotiate with the sleaze bag paparazzo.
I managed to get him down from $50,000 to $20,000 for the story.

I slammed the phone down onto the cradle and rested my head on my desk.

"I hate these people." I groaned.

I finished the rest of my work and packed up.
When I left at 2:30am the streets were cold and deserted.

I walked the streets in search of a cab and finally found one.
The driver was a little creepy but I kept my phone on me even with the diminishing life span.

I made it out of the cab and felt relief to be away from the smell of liquor, stale vomit and sweat.
When I got to the large black gates head lights illuminated the drive way from behind me. I turned around only to be blinded by the bright lights.
I could hear the bass pumping out of the speakers along with obnoxious laughter.

I figured it was Leah coming home from partying on a Monday night. Oblivious to the amount of work I put in to cleaning up her mess.
Not that she'd care anyway.

I stumbled out of the way to avoid being run over and made my way up the inclining driveway.

Once I reached the house Leah's Mercedes was haphazardly parked in the front and laughter echoed over the large yard. Her and her girlfriends stumbled out and kept laughing until she saw me.

"Oh. What do you want slut?" She slurred while her friends kept giggling.

"Did you drive drunk?" I asked. I was shocked, but I really shouldn't have been. "Didn't you learn from the last time you crashed?"

"Don't tell me what to do bitch." She hissed before throwing a bottle at my head. Thankfully her aim was way off. "Now, open the fucking door."

I clenched my jaw in irritation and did as she asked so I could at least get in the warm house faster.

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