Chapter 24

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Avery Adley

Wine flowed throughout the night. It paired perfectly with our filet mignon.

"What do you think of the engagement?" Oliver asked seriously.

I looked at him and thought of my answer. "It seems like a good opportunity for Adley Corporations and would boost our profits. Our PR department is struggling, unfortunately public favor is on the decline.
I see more positives for us than you. I can see how it would also increase profit and net margin." I paused for a moment. "However.."

"However?" He asked, urging me to continue my thought.

"However, you're dealing with Mr. Adley. There's always a risk that he would try to pull you into a mess. He's shady and uses underhanded methods to get what he wants."

"And what about Russell?"

I shook my head. "Russell is a good, honest man. He is a cheerful person, but he won't let people take advantage of him."

Oliver nodded. He seemed content with my answer.

"What about you?" I asked. "What do you think?"

"I agree with you. It's a good way to make profits, but Adley is a risk. That's why marriage was thrown on the table. More security, more profits and promise of future deals."

I furrowed my eyebrows as I voiced my thoughts. "Why would you choose me over Leah, though?"

"Why wouldn't I?" He retorted

"I understand her partying habits, but she is good at socialising, she can get the favor of most people just by flashing a smile. She is what most men are after, she has the looks, the sociable personality, the money and her parents would kill for her."

"Avery, dance with me." He stood from his seat and held a hand out.

Confused, I placed my hand in his.
He walked to an open space and held me close, resting our entwined hands on his hard chest.

"Leah is manipulative and everything I don't want to be stuck with." He said after a while of swaying and moving to the music.

"You are everything she's not."

I don't need to be reminded of that fact.

I frowned and looked away.
Oliver lifted my chin. I gazed into the icy blues that held an unusual softness and something I couldn't decipher.
We looked into each others eyes for the longest time. It felt like hours flew by. The world seemed to fade away.

Oliver looked down to my lips and back to my eyes.
Our breath mingled with each others. I could feel my body heating up just from his closeness. I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest.

He leaned in and gently took my lips against his own.
My eyes involuntarily fluttered closed and our lips began moving in sync.
Oliver's tongue brushed against my bottom lip as if asking for entrance.
Hesitantly, I opened my mouth and his tongue danced with my own.

I gripped Oliver's jacket as I felt my knees weaken.
He held my waist and pulled me impossibly close. His large surprisingly soft hand cupped my cheek.
His kiss, his touch made foreign sensations flow through my body. Butteflies roamed in my belly and I could feel heat pool at my core.
The kiss was slow but deep. I felt a certain longing that I didn't understand.

When we finally pulled away my breath came out heavy and I could tell my cheeks were bright red.
He leaned his forehead against mine and we just stood in silence.

"You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that." He murmured.

He pulled away and kissed me on the forehead. 

A flash broke us out of our daze. Our heads snapped to look at the source.
A wiry man in the hotels uniform smirked and ran out of the room with his camera.

"Fuck!" Oliver furiously exclaimed and whipped out his phone.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?" He growled. "Catch the paparazzo, how the hell did he get here anyway?!" I flinched slightly at his tone.

His eyes were terrifying. Much worse than Mr. Adley.
His blue eyes were ice cold.
I stepped back a little and thankfully he didn't notice my scared appearance.

"What do I pay these idiots for?" He mumbled angrily.
Oliver huffed out a breath before turning to me.
"I'm sorry Avery, that shouldn't have happened." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"It's okay. We'll deal with it." An uncertain smile graced my face.

If this gets out to the public I'm going to be in trouble.
Not only the fact that people will pry into my life, but also Mr. Adley and Leah...

"Don't worry, I'll find him." Oliver stated. I could see his jaw clench in anger.

I nodded. Oliver checked his watch briefly. "We should go, it's getting fairly late."

We received our coats and left to the elevator.
I sneaked a glance at Oliver and held in my laughter. Poorly, at that.

"What?" He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me.

I giggled a little. "You have lipstick on your face."

I pulled out a tissue from my clutch and handed it over. I made sure to fix my own face just in case. Surprisingly it was fine.

Oliver wiped his mouth but missed some. I grabbed the tissue and pulled his face down to my level.
I still had to stand on my tip toes, even in heels.

This man's height is ridiculous.

I finished cleaning just as the doors opened.
Oliver took my hand and we walked out of the lobby, receiving many stares from the concierge and guests.

"Is it like this everywhere you go?" I asked quietly.

"Pretty much." He said and continued to lead us out.

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