Chapter 56

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Oliver Black

Avery was absolutely breathtaking as she walked down the aisle.

Erica did an amazing job on the dress. It only added to her charm and hugged every curve perfectly. Worth every exorbitant penny. I couldn't tear my eyes away from her.

Well, I never could. 

I watched her sleep and swallowed the uncomfortable lump in my throat.

I had forgotten to wear a condom.

I didn't think Avery was on contraception either, which was pretty stupid of me. The thought of suggesting it never crossed my mind and I'm sure it didn't cross hers either.

She was sleeping peacefully and blissfully. I brought the blankets over her naked body and brushed her hair gently with my fingers.

I rolled over and wrapped my arms around the beautiful woman I can now call my wife.

She hummed and snuggled into me. I smiled and kissed her head.

I couldn't believe I was so careless. I was usually careful, but with Avery all thought processes stopped and flew out the window.

What do I do if she gets pregnant?

The thought of having a little red headed Avery running around warmed my heart.

But, I just knew I couldn't do it.

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply pushing the thought aside.
It settled in the back of my mind. Not really going away.

We decided not to worry about a honeymoon and go on one a bit later.

With everything going on it wasn't the right time to leave. We had to focus on the company and the trial.

Avery and I had meetings with lawyers and the police almost all the time. They were wanting to get Avery to speak out against Marie and Jeremiah.
I could see the fear and hesitation in her eyes, but we talked her around to it.

We were told the trial would be coming up soon. The date just had to be decided.

Avery stirred slightly and turned in my arms. I looked down at her sleeping face and pecked her forehead.

I closed my eyes and the exhaustion finally washed over me.

I woke up to see Avery step out of the bathroom in her bath robe.
She glanced at the bed and blushed when she saw me staring.

"Good morning." I smiled and leaned on my elbow, resting my head on my hand.

"Good morning." She said softly with a small smile.

"Should we go out for breakfast before heading home?" I asked as I watched her pull a pair of jeans and a blouse out of her suitcase.

"Where?" She looked uneasy while fishing for her underwear.

"We could just go to the restaurant here?"

"But wh-what about.."

"Avery, Tony is here along with the other guys. Not to mention the hotels security."

She's been avoiding going out. She would only go to work and home again. Not to mention the nightmares.

She's always had them, but it's gotten a little more unmanageable. The closer the trial looms the worse they're becoming.

To make things worse the situation with the stalker is making her even more on edge.

I wished I didn't tell her about the photos and the threats. Then, at least she could have been unaware while we handled it.

I can't blame her for any of this. I don't expect her to be well adjusted. Especially with what Marie and Jeremiah have put her through.

"Avery, you can't stay inside all the time."

"Can't we just get room service?" She asked quietly.

I huffed and flopped back onto the bed. I heard her feet stepping their way over to the bed along the soft carpet.

"Oliver," she sighed. When she had made it close enough I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to the bed. Avery released a high pitch squeal as she tumbled onto the sheets.

I hovered over her and smirked mischievously. Avery's eyebrows furrowed at the glint in my eye.
I trailed my fingers to her waist.

"Come to breakfast with me." I said quietly.

"I don't want to." Her eyebrows turned to a frown.

My fingers dug into her side's as I tickled her mercilessly.
Her laughter filled the room. "Oli-" she was cut off by her own laughter.

"Say you'll come with me."

"Fine!" She managed to squeak out. I stopped my attack and smiled at her. Her chest was heaving, her cheeks were flushed and she had tears in her eyes.
I leaned in to kiss her full lips but instead I found myself kissing a pillow as it hit me in the face.

Giggles that were muffled to my ears came from beneath the fluffy pillow.

"Is the pillow a good kisser?" She asked between the giggles.

"You'll pay for that." I narrowed my eyes at her as she peeked over the pillow. She scrambled out from under me and managed to get off the bed.

I chased her around the room. Her laughter was like music to my ears. We behaved like a couple of kids. Our worries seemed to escape us when we focused on each other.

But they wouldn't go away entirely.

We finally got dressed and ready. Our breakfast had turned into a brunch.

It was fairly peaceful. There weren't alot of people in the restraunt.
I was afraid that something would come out and scare Avery back into hiding.

She would scanned the room and searched for a reason to run. It took awhile for her to calm down and fully engage in conversation.

Out the corner of my eye I saw an unusual movement. Rigid and stiff.
I turned my head slightly and saw the hooded figure that's been such a problem.
I wanted to get up, storm my way over there and beat him to a fucking pulp.
The only thing stopping me was Avery.

Thankfully, Avery was focused on her plate and talking about how beautiful the wedding was.
I pulled my phone out and messaged Tony.

'He's here. Secure the area, get him and do not alert Avery.'

Before I even hit send the man was gone. Vanished.

"Oliver?" Avery squeezed my hand. "What's wrong?"

I smiled and kissed her palm and watched her cheeks redden.

"Nothing at all." I smiled at how cute she was.

Her red hair was down and flowing with the breeze from the open terrace doors, her pink cheeks, her rosy lips and big sparkling grey eyes were mesmerising. Every time I looked at her I found myself falling more in love with her.

"We should get going, babe." I said standing and pulling her up with me.

I passed by Tony and glared at him.

How could he get past security?

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