Chapter 21

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Avery Adley

We sat down at the table and waited for the others to arrive.
I noticed Leah trying to stick to Oliver and had to stop myself from laughing when he moved his chair away from her.

I saw Mr. Black come over and he took my hand in his. "If I were 20 years younger..."

"You would still be too old." Vivienne laughed.

I chuckled at his playful glare.
"Seriously, you look great." He smiled and carried on.

Clara came over to the table with her wife, Elizabeth.

They both looked amazing. Clara had her usually neatly tied white hair swept over to one side. She wore a black suit without a shirt underneath showing just a bit of cleavage and flawless skin and her pants flowed over her heels elegantly.

I greeted them politely. Clara nodded and rolled her eyes slightly before turning to the others.
When I turned to Elizabeth she was beaming at me.
Her light brown hair waved down to her shoulders and her black long sleeve off the shoulder dress fit over her large baby bump.

"You look beautiful." She complimented.

I smiled shyly at her. "You look absolutely radiant. I love your dress."

She laughed and rubbed her belly. "It's all this little guys doing."

"You're having a boy?" I grinned.

"Yes we are!" Elizabeth practically squealed.

"Congratulations." I smiled at her.

"Thank you. We're really looking forward to his arrival." She smiled genuinely.

"When are you due?"

"Still another two months to go!"

We chatted a little more about our work. She's a teacher and would like to be a stay at home mom when they have more kids. Clara earns enough for them both working for Oliver, so they don't have to worry about money.
She apparently already knew who I was through Clara and about the marriage as well.

Elizabeth's an easy going person, we seemed to have just clicked.
We all sat at our seats except for one person who was still missing.
Vivienne said that they're just waiting on their daughter.

I looked around and saw two people glaring at me. Mother and Mr. Adley.

I averted my gaze and kept my head down. Afterall, that's what it usually means. Keep quiet and don't embarrass us.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw two arms snake around Oliver's neck.

Leah gasped softly and I could almost see her scowl at the unknown girl.

I looked up and saw a cascade of brown locks.
"Erica." Oliver said with a gentleness that was foreign to my ears.

"Hello, big brother." She grinned. "Now, which one of these lovely ladies are going to be my sister?"

Oliver stood and fixed his jacket. He held his hand out for me to take.
I stood with his help.

Erica flung her arms around me. I stiffened and awkwardly returned it.
"Thank God!" She murmured under her breath. "I though we would be stuck with Miss A list here."

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