Chapter 64

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Avery Black

I looked down at my sleeping angel. She had her daddy's blue eyes and whisps of fiery red hair.

I couldn't believe two months ago Oliver was racing me to the hospital.
He was more nervous than I was and I had to stop him from barking at the medical professionals, while I was dealing with having a human being making its way out of me.
When the time came to push and give birth he looked as though he was going to pass out.
But, the moment he laid eyes on Charlotte, I watched him fall in love in an instant. He's the most amazing father and husband.

The pregnancy went okay, the doctors had me back fairly regularly due to the incident with Leah and Aaron. I had some bleeds here and there but it wasn't anything too threatening.

"What are you thinking about?"

I jumped and suppressed the squeal that wanted to escape my mouth.

"About buying that bell." I whisper yelled at him.

I picked up the monitor and sneaked out of the nursery. Oliver chuckled and pulled me over to him by the hips.

"How about we make another one?" He murmured against my skin. I felt myself liquify when he sucked and kissed my neck.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and sought his lips out.
I kissed him with every ounce of passion I possessed. Our lips moulded and our tongues danced.
He pulled me closer and slid his hands down my body and to my ass.
Without breaking the kiss he picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist.

As he walked to the bedroom, my hips bucked and my core rubbed against his pant covered erection.
He groaned and held me tighter.

I felt myself being placed on the soft bed sheets as Oliver attacked my neck and slid his hand under my shirt.
He massaged my breasts and tweaked and pinched my hardened nipples.
Electricity flowed through my veins shocking my core pleasurably.

Oliver pulled my top and bra off and kissed his way down to my jeans. His hands roamed every piece of bare skin as if they were feeling it for the first time.

Slowly and teasingly he unbuttoned my jeans and peeled them down my legs.
I sat up and pulled him to me, where I impatiently nipped at his lips and unbuttoned his shirt. He took off the rest swiftly and threw them in a heap.

Oliver hovered over me and I trailed my hands down his taut muscles.
His hands played with my already wet lips. I moaned when his fingers slid their way inside easily.
His thumb teased my pulsing nub.

"Olly.." I moaned breathily.

Oliver smirked his blue eyes shone with desire, love and a hint of amusement.

"Yes, love?"

"Oliver, please." I half moaned and half whined.

"What do you want?" He asked huskily.

"I want you." I said breathlessly.

My back arched and I gasped when he finally delved into the depths of my body.

His arms wound around my back and he thrusted into me.

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