Chapter 16

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                     Avery Adley

After the events of last night I managed to sleep in until 11am.

I stared at the white ceiling for awhile and just got lost in my own thoughts.

Who knew Oliver Black could be so gentle?
Well, maybe he's like that with all women.

I can't explain it, but I feel so safe with him. I've never felt that security since Maman and Papa died. Not even with Russell.
I even fell asleep in front of him when he drove me home from work.

I can't remember the last time I felt safe enough to sleep around anyone. No matter how exhausted I was, I was too paranoid to sleep.

Smashing and yelling from downstairs brought me out of my train of thought.

I sat up abruptly and rushed down stairs.

Sounds of sobbing echoed around the house.

"Leah, honey..." Mother cooed.

What happened?

Against my better judgement I followed the noise into the kitchen.

Shattered glass was spread across the tiles and Leah sat slumped against the wall with mother crouched next to her rubbing her knee.
I walked in further to see if everything was okay.

Mothers bloodshot eyes snapped to me. She held a murderous look in her eyes and stood up.
Her footsteps were slow and dangerous.
"You!" She growled through gritted teeth.

I stood frozen. I was confused, unsure of what was going on. Then it clicked.
Mr. Adley must have told them about Oliver.

"Shut up!" She screamed and back handed me.
The force caused me to step back into the island bench. "Are you happy with yourself?! We took you in and this is how you repay us?!"

"I didn-"

"Don't you say another fucking word!" She screeched and grabbed a butcher's knife that was sitting behind me. Mother pressed it to my neck. I leaned as far back away from the glinting blade as possible.
"You're a worthless slut. Like mother like daughter!"
I clenched my jaw. Angry tears began to well up in my eyes.
I didn't care what they said about me, but when it's about my parents I can't stand it.

"Go ahead and cry! No one will fucking care. No one will care if you died." She spat and pressed the blade into me further. I felt the sharp metal bite my skin and a sting followed. I continued to stare wide eyed into the green eyes of the enraged monster in front of me. There was no doubt in my mind that she'd do it. That she'd kill me.

The kitchen door burst open.
"Obtenez monsieur Russell, maintenant!" Gerard spoke hurriedly and cautiously approached. The glass crunched underneath his shoes. "Madame, please put the knife down."

Rushed foot steps approached the kitchen. "Mom!" Russell burst in almost out of breath. "Let her go."

"No!" Mother screamed. "Look what she's done to your sister!"

Russell and Gerard shared a look. They nodded to each other and both lunged forward to grab an arm each.

"Let me go!" She shrieked.

They pulled her back and I slipped down to the ground. Alissa hurried over and pulled me to my feet and up to my room.

"Avery?" Alissa looked me over.

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