Chapter 31

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Avery Adley

Murmurs filled the room and we made our way to the stage to join Oliver's parents and Mother and Mr. Adley.
I didn't spare a glance at my 'parents', but maintained a smile on my face.
I noticed all the women in the room followed Oliver's every move.
Oliver's presence alone demands attention, but his looks attract women and probably some men like a fly to honey.

"As you know my son took over for me about 5 years ago and has made it prosper ever since." A round of applause echoed around the room. Mr. Black out a hand up to quieten them down. "Needless to say Vivienne and I are incredibly proud of our son. But, when we thought we couldn't be any prouder, Oliver brings this beautiful woman into our family.
So, that brings me to why we are all here today. Allow me to announce the Black family and the Adley family uniting with the union of Oliver and Avery Adley!" He exclaimed happily.

There was another round of applause and a mixture of emotions being shown around the room. Flashes went off and pictures were taken.

Mr and Mrs. Black hugged and kissed us both with sincere smiles.
Mr. Adley shook Oliver's hand then moved to hug me lightly.
"Don't screw this up." He whispered in my ear. When he pulled back he put a charming smile on his face.
I didn't even think he was capable of such a thing.
Mother hugged Oliver and then did the same to me. I didn't miss the disgusted look on her face when she looked down at me.

When we stepped off the stage we were bombarded with people wanting to congratulate us and know the details of our relationship.

"Young Mr. Black!" I strongly gripped on to Oliver's arm when the all too familiar raspy voice called for our attention.

We turned our attention to Mr. Denner. The balding man looked as disgusting as ever.

"Mr. Denner." Oliver's voice was dead cold. "I wasn't aware you were invited."

"Of course! I'm a business associate to both you and Adley Corporations." He chuckled. His eyes traveled over to me and he licked his lips. "Avery how good to see you again. You're looking divine."

Unintentionally, I pressed myself into Oliver. He pulled me closer to himself by my waist.
Our close proximity was not missed by Mr. Denner. He glared at the hand that secured me.

"I thought this was just a little arrangement." Mr. Denner growled. "Just business."

"If you'll excuse us, we have more people to greet." Oliver guided us away from the quietly jealous man. "Stupid man." He muttered.
His blue eyes turned to me. "Are you okay?"

I smiled and nodded. "I'm fine. Thank you."

"There's my beautiful Cupcake!"
Russell hugged me and spun me around.

"Russ!" I squealed.

My feet touched the ground and I looked to Russell. His eyes were deathly serious. "Why are you lighter and thinner Avery? You promised you would take care of yourself!"

I stepped back away from him. "R-Russ, I've been trying..."

"Russell, I'll speak with you later. For now, try to enjoy the party." Oliver placed a hand on my lower back. I looked up at him and mouthed a thank you to which he nodded.

Russell stalked off somewhere.
I heard a low whistle and I turned to see a man with black hair and dark hazel eyes. "Avery Adley..." he looked me up and down. "You did pretty well for yourself man." He smirked at Oliver.

"Avery, this is Sam... a..friend." he glared at his 'friend'.

"Its nice to meet you, Sam." I smiled politely. "I hope you're enjoying the party."

"Yeah! I'm enjoying the food and the hot babes." He grinned. "But none are comparable to you, honey." Sam winked a mischievous hazel eye.

I stared at him in bewilderment before looking at Oliver. I was at a loss.

"Get out of here." Oliver hissed.

"Don't have to tell me twice!" He laughed. "It was nice meeting you Avery!"

"You can ignore him any time." He muttered.

I chuckled.

"When's the baby due?" A woman sauntered up to is. Heads turned her way as she walked with a drink in hand.
She was blonde and wore a burgundy dress. She looked vaguely familiar.

"There is no baby Tiffany." Oliver stated. "Leave us alone. I don't want to see you anywhere near Avery."

"Oh. Protective are we?" Her smooth voice was mocking. "Olly, don't you remember our fun time? I'm sure this little princess couldn't do half the things I can." She smirked at me. "You haven't fooled me with this thing. I know it's business. Afterall.. you were with me about a month ago."

"Leave Tiffany. Our relationship isn't anyone's business." Oliver turned to me and brought my hand to his lips. "No one is as beautiful as the woman right here. If you were me, you would let everyone know she's yours as soon as possible." I blushed at his words.

Tiffany stared at us in shock. Her mouth parted and her eyes were wide.

"What are you still doing here?" Oliver said coldly.

Tiffany broke out of her daze and left quickly with a "hmph".

"I'm sorry Avery." Oliver sighed.

I smiled up at him. "It's fine, Oliver. Everyone has a past."

It has nothing to do with me.
She's right. It is just business...

Oliver was about to say something but was cut off when people were called to their tables before the food was brought out.

Leah was unusually quiet. Probably stewing with jealousy and hatred.
Her seat remained empty, but she wasn't missed.

After dinner I stood with Erica and Elizabeth while Oliver was talking with some associates.

"You know..." Erica started. I was sure she was a little tipsy. "Oliver has never treated a girl the way he's treated you."

I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head. "What do you mean?" I took a sip of wine and waited for her to speak.

"I mean, he's never cared about any woman apart from family. Sure, he's had dates and girlfriends but he couldn't care less about them. They only lasted about two days." She rolled her eyes.

"He's gentle with you Avery." Elizabeth smiled. "In all the times I've known him, I've never seen him so caring."

"You know, it took him all week to pick out that ring." Erica laughed. "If it were, say, Leah he would have grabbed the first thing he could find."
A smile played on her lips. "I can only imagine how nerve wracking this is. But, Oliver will take care of you. He won't hurt you."

My eyes found Oliver in the crowd. He was already looking straight at me.

"I think you two are going to be good for each other." Elizabeth said gently.

Hey guys,
Would really love some feedback!
Let me know what you think so far.

I know everything's going fairly slow but I have a few things planned for Avery and Oliver.

Howard x

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