Chapter 22

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Avery Adley

Speeches commenced and the auction started an hour into the night after we've all had food and enough alcohol so people would feel better about spending their money.

The bidding for every item started at thousands and made it's way into the millions.

Paintings, jewellery, cars, planes, boats, holidays, properties all went up for auction.
Even Oliver put a penthouse aparment in his new hotel up for auction. They'll even have design input while it's under construction. 
The bidding made it up to $19 million before it was sold.
My eyes nearly flew out of my skull.

Leah convinced Mr. Adley to buy her some jewellery and tried to get a private jet.
I think everyone internally rolled their eyes. Erica made a few snide comments that Leah didn't quite catch onto.

Erica said her husband, who was unable to attend donated a holiday to Bora Bora. Apparently he was a self made millionaire and taught himself how to trade in the stock market.
He supports her dream wholeheartedly, but she refuses his backing and influence.
I guess being a Black has a lot of influence on its own.

"May I have this dance?" I looked up to see a very gentlemanly Russell with his hand extended.
I looked to Oliver and he nodded his head and shrugged his shoulders.

Russell and I went to the dance floor with the other swaying couples.

"You've lost more weight cupcake." Russell frowned. "Dont let mom pressure you into not eating. I am so worried about you. Every time I see you you're thinner and paler."

I swallowed the lump in my throat.
"I know Russell. I'm trying to get myself together." I smiled up at him. "I'll be okay."

"Promise?" He asked.


The music stopped and I excused myself to get some air. I found the balcony and leaned on the railing. The cool night air chilled my skin and I could smell the dampness from the rain.

I sighed in content before feeling the hopelessness wash over me. I didn't know what to do. I felt like I was fading away and crumbling at a steady pace.
I'm utterly trapped and alone.

I felt a warm hand on my back and flinched. Turning my head I breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm going to put a bell on you."

A deep chuckle echoed in the night.
"What are you doing out here alone?"

"I just felt a little suffocated, that's all." I smiled. "I've been to many events but, I just faded into the background until I was needed."

Oliver nodded his head in understanding.

He leaned next to me, his back facing the railing.

"Come for dinner with me tomorrow night."

I pushed myself off the rail and faced him.

I bit my lip slightly and furrowed my eyebrows. "I'll have to check with Mr. Adley."

There was a short silence between us. I looked to the ground. Slightly embarrassed that at 24 years old I have to ask my 'father' for permission.


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