Chapter 60

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Avery Black

I sat on the bed with with Oliver sitting in a chair next to me clutching my hand.
I had to laugh at how nervous he was.
His palms were sweating so much and his knee was bouncing in one spot. I had never seen him this unsettled.

"Don't laugh." He muttered with a frown. His expression only made me laugh more.

"Okay!" A doctor pushed open the door. "Mrs. Black, I'm Dr. Graham. But please call me Sarah." She smiled. Her brown eyes twinkled and her dark blonde hair bounced on her shoulders.

"It's nice to meet you Sarah." I smiled at her. "Please feel free to call me Avery and this is Oliver." I gestured to my husband who was wearing a permanent frown.

Sarah laughed when she took one look at him. "Nervous?"

Oliver nodded briefly and had a comically constipated expression.

"Don't worry, the father's are usually the ones who are freaking out." Sarah said as she took a seat. "I looked through your notes and the checks the nurses did. I'm happy with everything except for your weight, Avery. You need to gain a few more pounds to be at a healthy weight, then you need to be putting weight on throughout your pregnancy. I'll give you material and guides for you."

I nodded my head.

I guess I was never really fat.

"Let's get this on a roll."

She pulled the ultrasound machine closer and instructed me to lift my top over stomach.

"Okay, so you may or may not see a heart beat today and that's completely normal at this stage. Based on your test results you're right on the cusp of 6 1/2 weeks."

Sarah squeezed the warmed gel on my belly before placing the probe against my skin. She moved around a bit and tapped away on the machine before stopping and turning the screen towards us.

"There we are." She beamed at us. "There's your baby! And we have a heart beat!"

My breath hitched when we looked at the small little sac holding our baby. Oliver's grip tightened and I turned to look at his face.
He had tears glistening in his blue eyes.

I removed my hand from his and ran my fingers through his black hair. Tears of my own fell.

When Oliver looked at me I saw so much love and awe it made my heart beat pick up and the smile on my face stretched further.

"That's our baby..." He whispered a small smile reached his face and a tear leaked out of his eye, which he instantly whisked away. "I never thought I would feel this way."

"How do you feel?" I asked.

Oliver paused and tore his gaze away from the screen. "Happy."

Tears of happiness fell freely down my face. Oliver wiped them away.

"Okay guys, I'm quite happy with how you're looking." She passed me some paper towel to clean up. "Congratulations!"

I chuckled and cleaned myself up. Sarah pulled out a few booklets for us and a sheet indicating when to have check ups and scans.
She disappeared and came back to hand each of us a picture of the sonogram.

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