Chapter 62

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Oliver Black

As soon as Leah hung up I rushed off. I rang Russell on the way.

"Russell, Avery's at Leah, I think she's done something to her." I got into my car and sped away narrowly avoiding hitting parked cars.

"Shit!" Russell exclaimed. "I'll head over there, now."

"She's pregnant Russell. I swear if she's done something to her..."

"I know. Just get there on one piece I'll call the police."

We were happy. We worked everything out and now we were both looking forward to the baby.
Seeing the baby at the scan was unreal. I could feel myself develop so much love for something so small.
And I couldnt have imagined a better person to create a little life with.

I didn't think I could handle losing them both.

Why can't we catch a fucking break?!
What sadistic son of a bitch thought this shit up?!

I made it to the house in under 15 minutes. I saw an old Ford in the drive way.

I rushed out and pushed the doors open.

"Oh, hey baby!" Leah said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

Avery laid curled up on the floor.
Blood pooled around her head matting her already red hair.


Her delicate arms were wrapped protectively around her stomach and her skin was deathly pale. My gut wrenched and twisted.

Leah waltzed over like nothing happened. Something on her finger caught the light.

She was wearing Avery's wedding and engagement rings.

I took a step toward Avery but stopped when I noticed it wasn't just the three of us.

I looked at the man and recognized him instantly.

That fucking stalker.

He and Leah looked as delusional as each other. Except he looked at me with pure seething hatred.

I assumed he was working with Leah. I don't understand how hurting Avery would benefit him when she's the one he wanted.

I gritted my teeth and tried to think of someway to get Avery out of here. Her skin became paler by the minute. I was just wasting time. I doubted either of them would let me leave with her just like that. Especially with this obsession this man has with her. He would rather her dead than with me.

"How about I take Avery to the hospital? Then you and I can talk about us." I said to Leah.

Leah brightened up. "Okay! I get you all to myself?"

I nodded slowly. "I'll get you a better ring too."

Leah squealed happily. She skipped over and kissed my cheek while I resisted the urge to slap her.

I walked towards Avery and looked to see if it was even a good idea to move her.

"Olly..." She whispered. A tear escaped her closed eyes. I hoped I would never see her like this again and now my child was at risk too.

I gingerly picked her trembling body up. Blood dripped from her head and drenched my suit. I looked at her legs when I felt something wet.


Blood coated my hand from when I wrapped my arm under her legs.
I felt my face pale and my heart began to pound out of my chest.

"Stay with me." I whispered.

"Hold it!" The man yelled. "She's mine! Don't step a foot out of here with her! Put her down!"

I heard the sound of a gun being cocked. I turned my head to see it pointed in my direction.
I kept my cool but I was terrified.
I knew one wrong move and the both of us wouldn't make it out of here.

"Do you want to get done for murder? I would rather not have that on my girls hands."

A shiver of disgust went down my spine at referring to Leah as 'my girl'.

"No no no, not" He muttered, shook his head and lowered the gun. "I can't go to prison. Not again." He muttered and began to pace the lobby at the thought of being put away.

I could see Leah was even cautuiously taking a step away from him.

I took another few steps to the door.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" He yelled and I could hear his hand against the grip of the gun as he clutched it. "I'll take her! She's my woman!"

I had to stop myself from snapping back.

"No, you're carrying a gu-"

A bang echoed throughout the house. Leah shrieked ducked down.

I felt a searing hot pain in my shoulder. It radiated throughout my back and chest. My head began to spin but I managed to steady myself.

"Fuck!" The man exclaimed. "Shit! It was an accident I swear! I didn't mean It! Honestly, sorry man!" He apologised like he just spilt my beer at a bar. "Jus-just don't upset me.. We'll be fine, we'll all be fine.." 

I heard sirens in the distance.

About fucking time.

I couldnt stay standing much longer and dropped to my knees with my wife in my arms.
I managed to get to the floor without dropping her on the hard ground. I covered her body with mine.

"Get off of her!" He screamed.

The gun went off again and everything began to fade into darkness.

"Fuck not the cops!" He shrieked. "No, no, no, no, no!"

There was one last shot before I was fully enveloped by darkness.

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