~••Spring Day••~

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I look on the TV with a shocked expression. My mouth was ajar. A killing spree in Japan started, already around 120 people dead.
I look outside as I see the flowers blossom. Sadly it all started with bloodshed. I continued watching the news, they said that 3 people already died today in the park hanging together on a cherry blossom tree, their insides spread around the ground. I couldn't bare to hear anymore. All the deaths so far were getting worse.

I looked at my phone seeing a message. I picked it up and saw that Chanyeol texted about the news. He said that I shouldn't be watching the news. Well too late for that, he was always the brother of my life. He would always help and care for me. I really do appreciate him, but sometimes he treats me like a child.

I texted him back that I already watched the news. I went outside to go on a walk. Little did I know Chanyeol was at my door and was about to knock before I opened the door. We both looked at each other in surprise. "How did you know I was here?" He said confused.

I laughed at him. "And why exactly are you here?" I looked at him waiting for an answer. He avoided my eye contact and tried to hide but I pulled him out. "Ok, ok fine, I was going to cleanse your ears from hearing the news..." he gave a small pout which made me laugh.

I hit his head, "ouch! What was that for y/n?!" I hit him again. "The first time was for treating me like a child and wasn't capable of doing things independently and the second one, well that one was just for fun hehe please don't get mad.." he looked at me and smiled. "This kid..c'mon want to go to the arcade and get some food?"

"Sure as long as you're paying for everything!" I went inside and quickly changed and grabbed my things. We started walking until Chanyeol broke the silence. "So about the news..since you already know..Why do you think this is happening? Its scary, knowing lots of innocent people are dead..especially the three people that died this morning.." He looked at his feet.

"I don't know but all I know is that it will stop eventually...right? We both made it to the arcade and his once sad face immediately turned into a happy one.

"Well we're here! Why don't we forget about that stuff and enjoy for now?" I nodded in agreement and followed him inside. He beat me at every single game we came across. I was worn out.

He patted my back which almost made me fall. "Tired already?! Want to get some snacks?" I nodded desperately starving and dehydrated. He laughed and we both walked outside to get ice cream.

But then I noticed something following me. But whenever I turned around no one was there. I started walking faster. Until finally I bumped into Chanyeol. "Hey! You already hit me on the head what gives?" He looked at me clearly dazed. "Hey is something wrong?" I looked behind me one more time and finally caught a guy wearing all black and a mask. I couldn't see him clearly because of his hat and his mask but we both made eye contact.

I immediately turned to look away. Again Chanyeol asked. "Is something wrong? Answer me!" I finally responded. "N-no! U-Umm we should get going we have school tomorrow. He simply nodded without giving questions and started walking back with his ice cream. I looked back behind me only to see the guy still standing there staring at me. I didn't look for long before I had to find Chanyeol again.

"H-hey don't leave me like that!" I punched his back lightly. "Haha well it's not my fault you're slow"

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