~••Stupid Mistakes••~

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I froze on the spot, my heart stopped, I couldn't breath. It felt heavy.

I looked at Jimin who had a insane grin on his mouth. "You think you can keep it secret? I think we should finally tell her why she needs to die...you're no different Y/n...people like you deserve to die!! You hear me?!?! DIE!!!"

He laughs, "you see Jungkook? He got what he deserved..he's nothing but a traitor!!" I could see him trying to choke back a sob. "Jungkook...I want to see him dead..I want to see you Die Y/n..." I looked at him. A tear falling down his face, it signals that he didn't want to do what he did. and he didn't mean what he said.

Everyone stayed silent. "Y/n..." I turned to Yoongi. "What does Jimin mean that you and Jungkook are together?!" He says. "Please tell me he's lying princess...please tell me it's not true..please..don't tell me that you actually love him? You even said yourself..that you hate all of us..you won't spare your love for any single one of us...why..why do you Love Jungkook?! Huh?! TELL ME ITS NOT TRUE!!!!" He started yelling.


"Why won't you just love me Y/n?!?!"

I backed away, the Yoongi I saw wasn't Yoongi. It was his demon he's been trying to keep at bay for so long. He snapped.

I turned to run away only to be stopped bu Namjoon and Hoseok. Taehyung came towards me and pinned me on the wall by my neck. I was gasping for air, I looked at everyone, all broken and lost. Hoseok added something on my neck and Taheyunf dropped me on the floor.

I gasped for air finally and felt my neck. It was just a necklace. I looked at the pendant, it was a crest that had a rose on it. I looked up and saw Taehyung with a small remote in his hand. "I'm sorry princess...but you never learn..." he pressed a botton and a strong shock went through me. I yelled in agony and pain.

I felt like I was burning. It stopped and I fell to my knees. I felt dizzy and weak. "Thats a shock collar...we paid to get it disguised as a necklace..take it off it will shock you with electricity until you die..." Jin says sounding a bit amused. I don't know who these people are anymore.

Jimin leaned down until his face was near mine. "You're life is in our hands, we can kill you right now if we want." I looked at him, my eyes could barely open if I didn't force them. "Then do it..what have you been waiting for? You said you wanted me dead a long time ago yet i'm still breathing..just kill me already.." I say. I can't see hope around this anymore. I tilted my head and saw Jungkook sit up still weak. He opened his eyes and looked in my direction only to widen his eyes.

I start feeling tears hold up. "Kill me already."
I say as I cry weak on the floor. Jimin brings out his knife and places it on my neck. "I look at him, the anger left his eyes and was replaced with sadness and doubt, and the feeling of betrayal. He lowers the knife and collapses on his knees on the floor with me. "I can't do it..at least not yet.." He says.

"Y/n!" I turn my head to face Jungkook who was holding his chest and was coughing up blood. He was limping while walking towards me. "P-please...this is all my fault..kill me..I should've died a long time ago..right Yoongi?" He looks at Yoongi who was hurt by the view.

"Jungkook..." Jungkook looked at me. "Please just let her live..you can kill me..please.." before he could do anything else his body started falling, Yoongi ran to catch him. "Jungkook!! Please no!" I looked at Jungkook's lifeless body.

Soon my eyes closed and I was trapped in the dark again.


I walked down the hallway to go to the bathroom until I heard voices. I peeked at the next hallway only to see Jungkook and Y/n?! Why was Y/n here? I thought she was still at the mansion! I listened carefully, "We'll keep it secret you and I!" I heard Jungkook say. What secret?

I stopped to think. "No no no no it can't be.." I say. Y/n and Jungkook hugged and Y/n left. I felt myself snap. Jungkook can't take Y/n away from me that easily. He can't actually believe that he can keep her all to hisself can he?!

I turned the corner and lost myself in everything. I hurt the ones I loved, again.

Everything is happening all over again. I want this all to end.

~back to the present~

I felt my eyelids get heavy as I tried opening them. I opened to be met with the dark. I felt myself on a soft bed. I sat up and felt the walls. I touched them until I felt silk. I pulled it aside and  saw the night sky.

I was back in the mansion, I groaned. What happened to Jungkook?! This is all my fault. Just considering being with Jungkook was a mistake. All I ever do is a damn mistake.

I finally could see where I was. I felt my neck, I still had the necklace. I went towards the door and opened it. The hallways were empty and dark. I walked down the hallways, trying to find a bit of light. I stopped in front of the last door at the end of the hall. I remembered this was Jungkook's room. I had doubts in opening the door but I did anyways. I opened it slightly and saw the room dark and only the big window and the moon illuminating it.

I looked around and saw on the bed was a body. I walked towards the bed and saw Jungkook. I sat beside him, I knew he was awake. "Jungkook...i'm sorry this ended badly for you...I promise you, you can kill me whenever you like. Being with you is just to dangerous for us."

Still no reply, "...I'm sorry..this was all my fault." I say. His body finally sits up and turns around as his arms hug me from behind. "Y/n..its not your fault..don't ever think this was your fault. I love you.." his words stuck in my heart. "Don't say that Jungkook...that was the reason you got hurt..didn't I tell you? If they found out you'd get hurt.."

His head snuggled in the side of my neck. "I know.." I stood up and left. I walked towards the door. "Jungkook...I think its best if I leave you..we only just met a few months ago..before you meant nothing to me...and you still don't..I don't even know why I considered being with you..It was just another stupid mistake.." with those words I walked out of the room.

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