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"Y/n!!! Wake up!!" Yoongi yelled desperately. My eyes started getting weak. Things started slowing down, Yoongi was holding Y/n's face in his hands and was crying every single tear he has held for all these years.

Jin was trying to do CPR and Namjoon and Hoseok were pulling Yoongi away which made him yell in anger but he was still yelling in sadness.

Jin tried his best, I was standing there just staring. I didn't know what to do, if I did anything it would only make it worse. Thats all I ever do, make things worse. If I lose Y/n because of my mistakes. I will have no regret in killing myself, and finishing what I started all those years ago.

Namjoon and Hoseok were trying their best to keep Yoongi away for as long as they could but he just couldn't calm down. But then we heard a cough then a choke. I turned to look at Y/n and there she was fighting for her life. She choked up all the water she devoured and Jin immediately bandaged her arm as quick as he could.

Y/n coughed up the last of the water she had and opened her eyes with a big gulp of air. "Y/N!!" Yoongi yelled as he pushed Namjoon and Hoseok away. He ran to Y/n and hugged her tightly in his arms. "Don't leave me please don't leave me..I love you too much..It hurts when I see you cry...It hurts when I see you hurt..I hate it...I love you so much...don't fucking leave me..." Yoongi said as he cried.

I backed away, this was all my fault. Y/n almost died, I tried killing Jimin and hurt Taehyung instead. I wasn't there for Yoongi even though he saved my life. I was there for nobody. If i'm that useless why am I still breathing this air that I don't even deserve?! Why am I still alive on this earth?!

I stepped back until my back hit something, I turned to see Jimin standing there with a shocked expression. "What the fuck happened?" He said with no emotion in his voice.

"Y-Y/n...tried killing herself..I don't know if it was by accident or not s-she just..a-and Yoongi.." I couldn't get my words out properly which made me get angry. "Enough..I think I understand.." Jimin said as he walked over to them and left me standing.

I looked down, I don't belong here.

My heart was still trying to calm down as I held Y/n tightly in my arms. I was crying so hard, I didn't want to let her go I didn't want her to leave. I love her so much.

I would stop and do anything to make Y/n happy and be mine and finally except me. I caressed her hair as she heaved by taking big breaths of air.

I looked down beside her and saw the blade she used to cut herself with, I knew that blade well enough to know who it belongs too. I started getting a bit angry. I placed Y/n in one of my arms as I grabbed the blade in my other. I looked at it and saw the same inscription, JK. Jungkook...

"Take Y/n somewhere to rest and get her some aid..Jin I trust you with that.." I said. Jin nodded and carried Y/n out of my hands. I didn't want to let her go yet but if I wanted her to live then I had too.

Jin and Namjoon and Hoseok went to help Y/n while I was left still cold from the water with Jimin who just arrived at the scene. "How did Y/n get her hands on Jungkook's blade??" I said trying to keep my anger at bay. "She almost died!!" I yelled as I turned to face Jimin. "I don't know..I just got here and don't get angry at me..I know you love her.." Jimin said as he walked past me and towards the pool.

"I know you want to do anything for her..to make her yours..but..what if I tell you that I love her too?" Jimin said which made me freeze in place. I turned my head slightly at Jimin. "You what?!" I said. "What if I love her too? What would you do? Kill me like how Jungkook tried too? I know what he tried to do..and he got devoured by his own selfishness..will you?"

I started twitching. "I have before..you saw where that leaded us.." I said. "You think I don't know that?" He scoffed. "I swear...do you actually think that Y/n will love you after all this? I was there for her..I was there when she needed someone to love..you weren't.." I started feeling different. "Just get it through your head Yoongi...she doesn't love you.."

I turned and walked towards him and grabbed his collar. "And what makes you think she will love you?" I say. "Cause thats what I did with kaidae..." I dropped him and backed away. That name.."w-what do you mean? You did it with..k-kaidae?!?!" I yelled in confusion.

Jimin just laughed, "you don't know Yoongi..maybe i'm not the only one keeping secrets from you..And we've been best friends for so long...But there were some things I had to hide from you..but now all I want to do is tell you to make you understand how stupid and gullible you really are...if you want to kill me then do it already.." 

I looked at him. "I can't believe you Jimin..."

I left running trying not to think about what happened and what I heard. I don't want to.

As Yoongi ran away I collapsed on the floor and cried my fucking heart and soul out. "I'm sorry.." I choked out. I turned and walked towards the fence. There stood a man dressed in black. "I did what you asked..please..don't kill the only family I have left..." I said. The man took off his hood and revealed Baekhyun.

"Thanks for cooperating Park Jimin...after what happened with Chanyeol I knew I couldn't forgive you..and neither will the rest if they found out...they will not show mercy..Maybe if I killed Yoongi you would know how it feels when I lost Chanyeol.." He said. "Please!! I did what you asked!!" I yelled begging him.

He grabbed my neck and pulled me closer. "You guys were out of control when you killed that many people in Japan...But when you came here..You changed everything..I hated you for that..Me and the rest of my guys are in the same situation as you!! But you guys have all the fame! The money and the power!! Yet we're here with no family to go to and no money to strive for our own!! Chanyeol was there he had the most money and he spared it for us!! After that day we stayed together Y/n was there caring for us like the mother we never had! She was everything to us!! And you took them both away from us..Just you wait Bangtang..we will come back with bloodshed..and the rest will join again.."

He let go and left. "Bangtang...the name when we were all still friends.." I laughed insanely out loud. "I'll see you in hell..Byun Baekhyun.."

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