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{~flashback to 11 years ago~}
(Their backstory will take a long time hehe)


I'm lost, i'm alone. I can't find myself..I held a lighter in my hand, trying to decide whether I should leave already.

I was about to light it but a knock on my door sounded through my room. I hid my lighter and refused to open the door. The knocking continued with a voice. "Sir!! Please open the door!" It was getting irritating. "What the fuck do you want?!" I yell. "Please sir open the door..I need to tell you something important!" The man said. I growled under my breath.

"Why not just say it?! It can't be important..can it?" There was a moment of silence. "Please.." I groaned and walked to open the door. I took out the lighter in case after he leaves I'll leave just as quickly.

I opened the door to see one of my butler. "What do you want??" I say. "Sir.."he was about to say something when his eyes look at my hands. I realized he was looking at my lighter. "Sir..please don't do this! You don't need to do this! Just take a walk outside and think about it! Please! For me!"

I sighed, "listen...You know well that I would do anything for you..for thanking you for how you saved my family's life...or at least attempting to save them.." My fists started getting tighter.

"Fine.." the butler smiled and gave me a hug. I walked outside and it was spring. I hated the season. I walked around the park that was nearby and sat on a bench.

I hated myself, my parents died in a fire..because I started it by accident, and I couldn't save them. It was all my fault, I deserve to die the same way. I held the lighter in my hand. Maybe I should just leave this place. I lit it and it sprouted flames, I got a cigarette and was about to smoke when a shadow appeared in front of me. I looked up to see a woman with a glare. "Do you think smoking will make things better? You shouldn't smoke!"

She said, I scoffed and rolled my eyes at her. "Who says you can tell me what to do?" I say. She sits beside me, "you look like the type of person who wants to give up on everything..sorry if that sounded a bit rude but I for sure am one." She says. I looked at her, she placed her hand on my arm and said. "Please just don't smoke, its bad for you.." she says.

I look at her arm and it was covered by her sleeve, but as she moved her arm I could see under the sleeve that there were cuts everywhere. I grabbed her arm and pulled up her sleeve. "Whats this?" I say as I point to her cuts. "Did you make these?" I say.

She looks at me and then her cuts and sighs. "Y-yeah..hehe I guess I'm a hypocrite!" She says with a smile. "Why are you happy? You shouldn't cut yourself! Thats worse!" I say concerned. "Well..after everyone I loved stabbed me in the back, I decided that no one needed me anymore so I started doing this." She says. "I know you're probably going to try and talk me out in doing this but I want to die..I wanted to commit suicide..but I'm still holding back because maybe theres someone in this world that won't betray me..."

My heart started getting faster the more she speaks, cause I finally found someone who understands me. "You and me aren't that different you know? I tried committing suicide this morning...by burning in the flames I started just like what I did to my family.."

"I'm sorry...about your..family.." she says. I look at her, if I let her go, there will be no one hat can understand what i'm going through anymore.. "can I have your number? I'm sorry if I'm asking.." she smiles, "of course! That means we're friends now!" We exchanged our numbers and she hugged me. "Just don't forget that I'm here with you now. If you think that no one will understand what you're going through maybe chat with me!..I gotta go now!"

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