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Taehyung picked me up on his shoulder and dragged me back to the mansion. I tried kicking but he wouldn't budge.

My eyes wet with tears and worry for everything. Krystal, I don'y even know what happened to her if she's even alive. I don't know what they'll do to me. I don't know if i'll be alive after.

They dragged me down the same dark hall. And I think I have a feeling of what they will do. "No..No!! Please no!!" I yelled. I tried pushing and kicking while hey hung me on the wall where Krystal once was.

"Stop making this hard!! I don't want to do this to you but you have to learn.." he said. He eventually got me on the wall. I started getting dizzy. I saw all the guys walk down as well, standing around my almost lifeless body. "Why did you try to escape? From us especially...we already told you how many times already..you saw the consequences..why would you disobey that?"

Namjoon said as he walked towards a table. He glared at the objects on the table as if he couldn't make a decision. I looked at the rest. They were filled with disappointment and anger. Some of them were on the verge of tears. "Y/n...I thought you actually wanted to stay..don't you like us?!" I didn't have any energy to protest towards Jin. He scoffed. "I'm so stupid, I don't know how you could like us..we ruined you. But you ruined us first. I don't know how you could like broken souls like us.." Jin says.

Yoongi pushed through Namjoon and grabbed a whip from the wall. He looked furious. He raised the whip and started whipping me. I yelled in pain and agony. The whips were repeatedly. It hurt so much. Yoongi looked angry, I was blinded by the blood that was dripping from my head.

But I heard Jungkook and Hoseok. "She's dead.." I heard them say. Nothing worked out, I thought she actually made it back. I actually thought I would get some answers. The whipping stopped and I only heard the pants of Yoongi. I could barely see him as he walked towards me. "I'm sorry...but you have to learn not to do what you did. You can't escape us..you can't get rid of us..and you can't hide from us..so stop trying.." he says as he caressed the side of my head which was dripping with blood.

I couldn't feel anything. I felt dizzy, I suddenly hung my head low and everything went black.

Why Y/n?! I don't want you to leave, I don't want to do this to you..because I love you. I don't want to see you hurt, I don't want to see you cry. It hurts me so much.

But I had to do it because you won't learn. But you don't know how much it hurts me.

She hung her head low. I touched her face. She fainted. I grabbed a towel from Jimin and cleaned her up from the amount of blood she lost.

The whips I made were deep. I never even knew how I could do that. I kinda felt guilty. I took her down which made her body fall on mine. I carried her bridal style upstairs.

When we were upstairs I handed her to Jungkook who had bloody stained hands from his last performance. He looked at me in confusion as I walked out the door. I had to deal with something..I had to forget.

Yoongi walked out the door leaving a loud bang as he closed the door. I stand there confused, why did Yoongi leave? And why did he leave Y/n to me? Was it because I was the only one near him to take her?

I stare at her, all wounded and stained with blood. I can say the same for me. I look at the both of us, covered in blood. I walk upstairs leaving everyone behind and trudged to my room leaving bloody stains everywhere. I decorated the floor with blood and blood was dripping as I walked.

I knew Y/n was losing a lot of blood quickly. I didn't want that. I didn't want this to happen. I want it to all end. I want her to be safe, yet I can't if we're the ones endangering her. I open my door and walk in my room towards my bed.

I lay her down making another big bloody stain on my bed sheets. I quickly go grab some bandages from the bathroom. I grab them from behind the mirror but as I close it I take a look at myself. The state i'm in. The blood all over my body. What am I even doing?! What have I done?!

I looked like a monster. I didn't like what I saw. The person in the mirror scares me. I want this to go away. I punch the mirror which broke into a million tiny little pieces as my hand becomes more bloodier. The glass shattered and fell everywhere.

I turned and walked back outside. I bandaged Y/n, I needed to bandage myself after. After I finished, I bandaged myself and laid beside her on the bloody bed sheet. I felt safe around her.

How could she try and leave? Yoongi really did a number on her. She won't be able to move a bit for a few days. Like he didn't already do it to himself. Like I already didn't do it to myself.

I turned to face her. She suffered the same way we did. But now that much hurts, not more then how much she hurt us. The fact that she left us. The fact that she didn't love us. That fact that she lied to me.

I don't know what to believe anymore. Making other people suffer was the only way I could be happy. Making people die made me happy. But I don't really know. Does it? Seeing other peoples tears brings me Joy. It might sound insane. But seeing Y/n cry, brakes my heart more then it already is.

How broken she thinks she is isn't compared to me. Always helping people for their happiness.

Hiding behind a mask...what about my happiness?! Where did it go? The happiness I have left is with the people that I love that are still alive. Y/n's just making me worse.

Maybe Namjoon's right.

She needs to go...

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