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I knew that Chanyeol was dead after I found his remains in the river and a note that he left us with. "If you're reading this..i'm probably dead...I already miss you guys a lot...I'm sorry I couldn't help you the best I could. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my own problems..but please stay together..for me at least..you guys have Y/n..please protect her no matter what, get her back from those motherfuckers.... ~Chanyeol"

I held the piece of paper in my hand, the last thing I had of him. When I first found out..I knew I couldn't tell the rest of the guys. They would go make bloodshed. And the last time we did that was when...I removed the memory from my head as I shook my head.

I walked deeper in the woods until I came across the hill where the land meets the moon. I sat down and looked at the sky. I looked beside me and remembered Chanyeol. My eyes teared up as I remembered his face.

What they did was never going to bring him back. All I can do now is break them apart and I know just how.

I took out my phone and called a number I never used in my life. It started ringing then a voice picked up. "Hello Baekhyun..Long time no see.." the voice said. The voice..I hated it but I knew it was the only way I can get Y/n back. "Its been a while..." I said, but I couldn't finish without her cutting me off. "Are you coming to crawl back? I'm sorry but I already have someone with me right now..but I could spare some time.." She said. "Shut up you slut..I need your help.." she paused for a minute before speaking.

"What kind of help?" She said, I laughed a bit. "Don't you remember your little toy..Yoongi? And the rest of your six other collectibles?" She paused for a long time. "Yeah what about him? I want him dead..." she says. I laugh as I smiled over the phone. "I do too, what a coincidence...And I need your help if you want him dead i'll gladly help you.."

"But what if I don't? What if I want him back? And why do you want him dead anyways? And since when were you ever interested in him?" She says giving me a headache. "I just want him to go away..and I want what he stole from me..I want it back..if you help me you can do whatever you want..I don't care just listen to what I have to say.." I say. "I'm listening.."

I walk back into the house with a heavy chest. It felt empty. I walked upstairs and into my own room. I closed the door as I laid down on my bed with a heavy sigh. If he asks me to do more things that will break this family apart I don't know what to do anymore.

I'm alone. I went to go take a small shower until my phone buzzed. I picked it up and saw a message from Baekhyun. "Do you love Y/n?" The message kinda surprised me that it came from him. "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.." I replied back. "Don't fucking lie to me..if you want to get something worse.." I looked at the message he sent. "Fine I do...I love her" I texted back.

I threw my phone somewhere in the room and went to go take a shower.

Everything was going so quickly and only a little has been revealed to me after years. Jimin, what have you done?

My trust for everyone becomes lower by the day. Kaidae, and when I thought that I was about to forget her and that name. I groaned, why do Still love her? She tried to kill me. But she also cared for me, but the care and love she gave me was fake. I don't know what to believe anymore.

My past and my future is so blind to me. Everyone already has theirs figured out, yet i'm here like a motherfucking dumbass that doesn't even know what to do with his own fucking life!!

People say that love will be the best thing that could happen in your life, but all it did to me was break me apart and hurt me relentlessly.

I groaned at the pain, it wasn't healing itself.

The fucking mistakes these bastards made, is fucking stupid. The amount of anger I had bottled up for a while now was just popping through the cracks inside of me.

Namjoon and Jin were like parents that I never had. They always tried to help no matter what situation they were in, Yoongi on the other hand was always angry at everyone and was the one I kept the most secrets from. He looks vulnerable when he's with us to be honest, and Hoseok and Jimin, they both had anger issues from the start which sorta made me laugh because that part of them never changed. Hoseok became too agressive and Jimin became too possessive and cruel. The one i worried about the most was Jungkook.

He thinks everything's his fault even though it isn't. Ever since I met him we became really close until one day he told me before I met him he tried killing himself but Yoongi saved him and thats why he devoted his life to protect Yoongi and everyone else. But as time passed he became so aggressive, possessive, naïve, and angry. He wasn't the Jungkook that loved and cared for everyone. All the emotions he has been really bottling up for years finally got the best of him and devoured what was left of him.

Sometimes I see Jungkook..the actual sweet loving Jungkook. Now I'm worried now. Maybe he will finish what he started all those years ago. Ending his life.

I got up from the bed and limped towards my phone that was across the room. Even though everyone has their own problems, their own desires..they always go to the hard way to get it. Everyone thinks i'm weird, dumb and stupid. I ignored all those comments because I thought that they would just go away on their own. But that led me to depression.

I know what everyone wants, I know why they want it. Y/n. She was the only thing that could help us actually cope with everything we've been through. She could actually cure our pain. But there was one problem, there are seven of us and one of her. That means only one of us gets to have her.

She can fix one of us but break us all apart and it won't even be her fault. We're already breaking apart..so why not just leave before it gets too far? Why not just get what you came for and leave before anything else hurts you? Thats what I planned on doing. I grabbed my phone and dialed A number. The phone rang for a bit until someone on the other line finally picked up.

"So did you make up your mind yet? You know you can have her all to yourself if you join us..we can finally get her away from those motherfucking bastards that you call friends..what do you say..Taehyung?"

I pursed my lips for a bit before I spoke. "Yeah I did..I'm in.." the guy on the other line chuckles. "Glad to finally agree on something Kim Taehyung..i'll call you soon.." he ended the call and I turned off my phone. This was for the best for not just me but for Y/n as well. She can finally be free from these monsters.

I'm not a monster...right?!

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