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I finally had enough of all his staring and everyone else's. I turned my head and he looked even more shocked.

"Would you mind if you stop staring?" He gave me a devilish grin. "Whats your name beautiful?" I felt disgusted inside, he must be a fuckboy or something.

I ignored him and went back to working. But then I heard footsteps enter the class. I looked up and saw two other guys that were one of the new kids from the crowding. They were also good looking but I wasn't interested. Mr.Lee made them both introduce themselves after scolding them for being late.

The small one looked at Jungkook. "Hi i'm Park Jimin nice to meet all of you.." the next guy finally said. "Hi my name's Kim Taehyung nice to meet all of you" they took their seats beside Jungkook. Jungkook looked at me one more time before whispering something to the other two something that made them stare at me. Or at least tried too, i blocked my face with my hands from their view trying to make them stop staring.

I caught one of their whispers which was. "She looks just like-" I couldn't make out the last part before I asked to go to the bathroom.

I stood up and rushed out of the class to take a brake from them. They were so annoying, I went to the roof to take a brake. But I wasn't alone, I saw Kai making out with Jennie.

They both stopped and looked at my direction. "Y-Y/n! What are you doing here?! Aren't you supposed to be in class?! Didn't I tell Xiumin to keep you in class?" I looked at him angrily. "What do you mean you told Xiumin to keep me in class? And aren't you supposed to be in class? But instead you're up here making out with Jennie! So shut your mouth you fucking hypocrite!" 

Jennie looked at the both of us arguing and pushed Kai away. "See you later Kai.." she walked away leaving Kai with his mouth ajar and obviously angry. "Look what you've done! You just lost me Jennie! She's totally going to be mad at me..shit..anyways, I'm sorry its just I wanted to do something special with Jennie and the only place she wanted to go was the roof since it was nice out and I know you always go here during the first period to "take a break" so I sent Xiumin to keep you in class...ahem sorry..."

"Thats not a good excuse even for you.." I sighed that my only place was being ruined. "Nvm I'll get back to class" I was about to turn around before I bumped into a guy. "What the?! Who the hell are you?" I looked up and saw a guy with a sharp Jawline.

He looked at me and did the same shocked expression Jungkook, had plus he was one of the new kids from before. "W-wait a second who are you?!" His question startled me for a bit but I didn't want to make him angry. "M-my name's Y/n..."

His face turned dark. "You..do you remember me?" I looked at him. I've never seen him in my entire life at all. "N-no...am I supposed to?"

He gave me a wicked grin. "Your name is beautiful...y/n.." He was starting to creep me out but thankfully Kai came to the rescue.
"I'm sorry but do we have a problem?" The guy just looks at him and smiles. His smile looked like a heart which I found cute for some strange reason.

"No..the only problem I can recall is her" he points at me after he leaves, leaving me and Kai confused.

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