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I went back to our proper side and still didn't see our gym teacher in sight. I looked around for Jungkook because he said he wanted to talk about something.

I tried scanning around and saw him sitting in the corner with his hood up. I walked towards him and kneeled in front of him. "J-Jungkook? A-Are you alright?" I ask him.

He tilts his head up and I could see his eyes all red and puffy. He looked like he's been crying. "J-Jungkook! Have you been crying?!" I ask him as I take his hood down clearly concerned.

He says nothing as a shadow appears behind me. I turn and see a group of girls glaring down at me. "What are you doing with Jungkook?! Did you make him cry?! This is all your fault! You're so gonna get it!" One of the girls said as she raised a fist at me.

She was gonna land it down at me but Jungkook blocked it before she could and twisted it in ways I never thought a human body can even do. She yelled in pain for Jungkook to stop. Her two friends trying to help her.

I turned to Jungkook who still had red puffy eyes but was getting angry. I looked into his eyes and told him to stop. His scowl softened and he let go of the girls arm.

She ran away with her friends leaving me and Jungkook alone. "J-Jungkook...why? Why would you do that for me? I could've fought her myself! I'm not weak!" I say at him. He looks at me.

"Why do you have to hurt me this much?! Huh?!" I look at him getting all teared up again as a shadow appears behind me. I turned to see Jimin.

"What happened to him?" He asks. "I-I'm not sure...I just found him like this!" I said back. "Jungkook...just stop, you know we can't get her back. And you know so well you don't have another chance..." Jimin said to Jungkook which made him pounce at him making Jimin fall and Jungkook on top of him ready to throw fists. "JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!" He yelled. He was about to land his fist on him before I stopped him and looked him begging him to stop himself.

"Jungkook! please stop!" I yell at him. His eyes filled with pure anger. He pushed me off harshly and punched Jimin in the face which also made Jimin angry.

Everyone started crowing yelling "fight!" I looked around desperately for any help. The bell rang and the gym teacher was still no where to be found.

I looked at Jimin and Jungkook who was scatter with blood. Until a group of guys pushed through the crowd and jumped to separate Jungkook and Jimin. I looked up to see the rest of the guys who are desperately trying to separate them and quickly. "JUNGKOOK! JIMIN! STOP IT!!"

Taehyung yelled at the both of them who both looked like rabid dogs. I stood up slowly trying to slowly back away but my back was met with another. I turned and saw Yoongi standing there glaring at me. "What did you do?!" He practically yelled.

I shook my head slightly. "I didn't do anything!" I yelled at him. "How could you forget what you did to us?!" He yelled which made everyone become silent. His faced turned dark as I looked at him and harshly pushed him aside to escape the crowd. I looked back and saw him looking at me, I almost thought J saw something glistening in his eyes.

I ignored it and left.

When I first saw her, I couldn't believe my eyes, I was separated in two, I felt things that I thought I won't feel again. Yet here I am. I know well that she isn't actually who I thought she was. But I have the strongest feeling that she's the only one that can fix me. But I also know that she's the only one that can fix all of us.

But it wasn't fair. I wanted her to myself, its all happening all over again.

Whenever I see them with her, my heart starts racing as I remember the painful thoughts. I can't let it happen, I won't let it happen again.

I want to give her everything I didn't give her yet I want her to die. She supposed to die, I have the power to make both of those things happen, but i'm getting ripped apart in the process. Should I risk losing everyone to gain one person that I know won't last forever, or should I replay all the memories that made me like this.

When the bell rang I went to go find the others. We walked in silence as we went to go find Jungkook and Jimin. Until we entered the gym and saw a crowd forming yelling "fight!" I knew what happened and so did the rest. They ran and pushed through the crowd, as the separated the crowd I saw Jungkook and Jimin acting like rabid dogs.

I walked slowly to see the scene unfolding, but then realized someone slowly standing up, I already knew who it was and I also already knew that she was part of this in a way. I walked behind her blocking her, she turned and looked at me with her eyes filled with worry and concern.

I couldn't focus as I stared back into those eyes. But I knew that wasn't important at the moment. "What did you do?!" I ask her, waiting for an answer. She shook her head slowly, "I didn't do anything!" She yelled back at me which took me by surprise and got me angry immediately. "How could you forget what you did to us?!" I yell back at her which made the whole gym silent for a tiny bit.

My face turned dark as I remembered what I said. She pushed me harshly aside and walked away. My heart started aching again. I turned to see her one more time and saw someone else. I saw her. My eyes started tearing up, but the face didn't last long until she left.

Please don't leave me for anyone else...please, please, I don't want to hurt myself again, I don't want to hurt anyone..but you made me like this, and its all your fault.

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