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Everything went silent as I awaited for an answer.

I looked around to see everyone except Yoongi. I wonder how he's holding up. "We can't let ou leave.." Taehyung said in a deep voice. "You saw and know a little too much for us too trust you...and is it wrong to keep you here? Yes it might..but no one cares for you anyways..we can have you alm to ourselves..all over again.." Jimin said not even looking at me.

"Stop it Jimin! You're scaring her!" Jungkook said to Jimin scoffed. "Like she already isn't.." he said. I walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I looked back and saw Hoseok approaching me. I turned and tried stopping him. "Y/n don't act like this! I don't want you to treat me like this! Don't disobey me.." he said which made me flinch a bit.

"Hoseok just leave me alone!!" I say to him practically yelling. They guys probably noticed when I saw their heads dart towards our direction. I tried pushing him off until he had enough and snapped. He placed both my hands above my head. The guys jumped from their seats and ran towards us. "Stop hurting me like this y/n!! I would do anything to have you back but I can't!! I would kill and murder for you!! Why won't you understand?!!" He yelled at me.

The guys pulled him back. "Hoseok!! Enough!!" They all yelled. I ran as fast as I could upstairs. I could still hear them yelling. I walked down the hallway I remembered. I went to the room I first woke up in. I slowly opened the door and closed it. No one was on the bed, everything was the same. I walked towards the window to look at the view. I sat there with my knees tucked tightly against me chest. "Why is this happening..what have I to deserve this?" I say quietly.

I close my eyes as they were getting heavier. Before I knew it I fell asleep on the floor.

I woke up with a heavy head. I groaned in pain as it hurt. I remembered everything that happened which only made my head hurt more. I looked around to see that I was in my room. The grand piano untouched, the sun setting through the window.

I stood up and walked towards it, taking a better view of the sunset.

"Why can't I take this mask off? I've been hiding myself for so long.." I say. I scratch my head and walk towards the bathroom to take a bath.

Until I finished I put on a pair of shorts and couldn't find my shirt I left. I dried my hair and went out to find it was already dark. I looked around the room and saw a small figure on the floor. I walked towards it slowly and looked closer. It was Y/n..my eyes couldn't take themselves off her.

I pick her up slowly and place her on the bed. I was getting pretty tired myself. I place her gently as I lay down beside her. I stare at her sleeping face. "Do you know that I love you? I love you very much..you're mine..i'll give you everything you want..as long as you're happy i'm happy. I want you to know that I would do anything to keep you...to keep you to myself. You're mine..again" I whisper as I drift off to sleep.

Y/n can't do this to me..

I snapped and yelled all those things to her. The guys didn't stop scolding me.

I took my anger out on the punching bag I had in my room. I wonder where Y/n went.

I heard a knock on my door and opened it sweaty and without a shirt since they we're all in the laundry at the moment.

I opened it seeing Taehyung with a glass of water and medicine. I looked at him confused. "Want to help me drop these off at Yoongi's room?" I smiled. "Well I got nothing better to do.." I say. We both walked in silence for a tiny bit. "You know..what you did to Y/n even after what she's been through..." I got a bit angry. "I know!...I never should've done anything..but you know you would've done the same if you had the chance.." I say. "Well I would if she was mine...right now she is unowned.."

We arrive in front of Yoongi's room and open the door. We saw him holding Y/n in his arms as he was sleeping. Since when did Y/n get in here?! I think.

I started feeling mixed emotions. I can't let the anger get the best of me. I say repeatedly in my head trying not to get angry. I looked over at Taehyung, a tear falling from his face before he left the glass on the floor and ran away leaving me standing there.

"Why are you doing this to us?.." I whisper. I don't know to whom but I know this is our punishment. We did things that are supposed to be unforgivable. We did things that we wished we hadn't.

We did bad things to cope with our stupid mistakes.

We all had a part in our lives to deserve what was coming. We all had a part in her life that made us like this. The price was losing ourselves behind masks that we can't take off.

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