~••protect you••~

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Yeah I heard that bastard out on the phone talking to Baekhyun. Baekhyun's planning something big.

Of course if will obviously end in bloodshed. I look as Jin stabs BamBam in the eyes finally ending his life. A knot started to form in my stomach. Y/n..if she's gone then it'll be hard to find her again. Or even worse, she'll head to Baekhyun.

I cursed under my breath and I hear Jin with his loud heavy breathing. Finally Yoongi came downstairs with a bit of a surprised expression. He glanced at Jin then at the dead body.

"What the fuck happened? And where's Y/n?" He says. Everyone became silent. "This motherfucker helped her escape...she's gone.." Jin says. I looked at Yoongi who's eyes widened. His hands started shaking. Something in his eyes started forming. "Then we'll have to find her again.." His words..caught me off guard.

"I want her back..and we're getting her back no matter what." Yoongi says as he walks towards the front door and opens it. He looks back at us, "are you going to come or what?" He says. Everyone nodded and we all ran and jumped over the fence and sprinted into the woods. She couldn't have gotten that far, right?

I made it back in front of my old apartment. I quickly ran inside and went up to my floor until I finally arrived back in front of my door. I use to hide a key somewhere around here, my memory became so faint after everything. I eventually found it and opened my door. The smell, of Chanyeol's scent still lingers around. My eyes started to water remembering everything. Now Chanyeol's gone.

I wiped away the tears and walked inside to get a proper change of clothes. I decided to leave just as quickly but as I looked out the window I saw a familiar face talking with an old lady near my apartment. I looked closer and saw Jungkook...

My heart skipped a beat, I quickly got dressed and waited for Jungkook to leave. But as I looked out the window his face looked up right at me. I stepped backwards, he started smiling and said goodbye to the old lady, and sprinted inside. I needed to get out quickly. I knocked on one of my neighbors door who I knew well. She opened the door and revealed Hwasa.

"Oh Y/n! It's so nice to see you again! Want to go get some coffee?" She says. "Can I borrow your phone please? It's an emergency!" I say trying not to sound too desperate. She nods and hands me her phone. I quickly dial Beakhyun's number and the phone starts ringing. "Please pick up.." I say. Then a voice was heard. "Hi Baekhyun speaking.." He says "Bakehyun!! Please! Meet me at the coffee shop you me and Chaneyol used to go too!" I say. "Y/n?! Uh yeah of course i'll see you there!" My breathing started to fasten. "I don't have much time left please hurry!" I say as I disconnect the call. I turn to Hwasa and hug her and thank her , I give her back her phone and run to the stairs.

"Oh! Ok bye...you still up for coffee later?" She says. I hear a ding and turn around to see the elevator door open. I didn't hesitate to run for the stairs and sprint down.

I was almost down when I beard his voice. "Y/n! Stop running away! Come back!" He yells. But I was already at the bottom. I opened the door and sprinted out the building. I sprinted as fast as I could to the coffee shop. I still had to be alert, if Jungkook was here they all were somewhere.

I decided to take the bus. I sat down and took deep breaths from all the sprinting I've been doing. I look out the window and I don't know how to feel. Being chased down by seven guys that want to keep you hostage.

I decided to close my eyes for a while but I couldn't since my stop was already here. I stood up and thanked the bus driver and walked out. I saw the coffee shop right in front of me. I finally just decided to walk. I've been through so much, and I finally think that it'll end here.

I opened the door to the coffee shop and scanned around to find Baekhyun. But then I felt two hands hugging me from behind tightly. "P-please..i'm sorry.." I say tears already in my eyes.

I close my eyes tight but then hear his voice. "What are you talking about?" My eyes open and I turn around to see Baekhyun with a smile. I hugged him tight my face on his chest. "I missed you so much Y/n.." He says caressing my head.

We got coffee and I told him everything. I held the last part away from him. "Baekhyun theres something you need to know.." I say. He nods and glances at me while sipping his coffee. "Chanyeol...he's gone.." I say trying not to cry. "Y/n..I know a lot of things already and I know that Chanyeol is dead..because before..me and Chanyeol and the rest of the guys used to fight a lot..and remember Bambam?" He mentioned bambams name, I looked at him. "How do you know about bambam?" I say. "Because he was a friend of mine I couldn't save. So was Chanyeol." He says. I take his hand in mine, "the guys that held me captive are trying to find me again..I don't want that..I don't want to go back.." I say. "I already encountered Jungkook at my apartment.." He looks at me in concern.

"Don't worry...i'll protect you." He says. "O-ok..." I say. I doubt it though..

Something about Baekhyun seems off. Something he's not telling me.

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