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I became terrified at the look of his face. He let go of my leg and aggressively grabbed my hand and started bending it slowly. "Do you remember me?" I winced in pain as he started bending harder. "Do you remember me?" He started repeating the question over and over again.

I winced before I finally answered. "No! I don't remember you at all...I've never met you.." he finally let go and froze. "Y-you're hurting me.." he said no louder then a whisper.

I felt confused. What does he mean i'm hurting him? He snapped out and went back to what was happening. He had a big smile on his face when I could finally see his face clearly. "See? That wasn't so hard now wasn't it? Now let's fix that leg of yours!" He grabbed my leg and snapped it back to normal. I yelled in pain as he finished.

"Be quiet now baby girl...or else you won't get away the same again" He gave me his devilish grin. I nodded and so did he, He started sitting down beside me and grabbed his phone out of his pocket and started typing something. I saw this as a chance to escape. I moved an inch away and he immediately said, "trying to escape again huh?" I looked at him, his face still on his phone. "N-no.." I said, I cursed in my mind for stuttering.

He just let off a laugh and looked at me giving me his best puppy eyes. "C'mon! Stay with me!" I looked at him with pure disgust. He turned back to his phone with a grin and said, "or else Yoongi hyung can take care of you, your choice princess.." I shivered as I thought about Yoongi and what he could have possibly done.

I felt angry of all the nicknames he's been giving me, and playing with me like i'm some kind of toy. He stopped texting just as I heard the school bell ring. Then my eyes widened as I knew what he was planning on doing. I took a peek at his phone and saw that he was texting with his friends saying "~I found herrr" I looked at him in horror as he was just staring in the distance waiting for the rest of his friends grinning ear to ear.

I didn't have a choice. I made a run for it and he yelled something that I couldn't make out because of how fast I was running. I could see my apartment just up the street. I made it inside and dashed for the elevator, but it was too slow so I decided to just go through the stairs. I made it to my floor which was the top floor so I was worn out. I slowly walked to my door and as I was about to open it someone touched my shoulder.

I turned and punched whoever was there. He stumbled backwards and I saw who it was. "Ch-Chanyeol!!" I ran and gave him a big hug. "What was that for?!" He groaned in pain. "I'm sorry I thought you were someone else.." He hugged me back but the hug ended quickly. "Are you alright? I saw you get..punched.." he looked at me. "Yeah I'm fine, just got knocked out. I promise you i'm totally fine. But how about you? Baekhyun said that you texted him that you weren't going to be there for the rest of the day because you were sick..are you actually sick?"

I looked down trying to avoid the question but it obviously didn't work. "Y-yeah..um i'm not actually sick.." "And why were you in a rush? I saw you running a stair marathon..who were you running from?"

"Oh nothing I was just in a rush to get home thats all.." I turned to open the door and go inside. But before I could have closed the door Chanyeol blocked it with his foot. "Listen..me and the guys are going to have dinner outside..wanna come?" I smiled and nodded which made him smile brighter. "Ok i'll get you when we're gonna go so just rest for now, that stair marathon must've been so hard" I laughed and pushed him out which made him laugh and I could finally close the door.

I slid down my door and remembered everything that happened..I don't know if I could survive any longer.

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