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I ran back as quickly as I could back to class fully knowing that i'm late and will get in so much trouble. But it was worth getting away from Hoseok. Taehyung and Hoseok have been acting weirder then usual but i'm not surprised.

I make it in class with the teacher scolding me. I apologize and take my seat beside Taehyung. I turn my head to avoid his gaze. I look at the empty where Hoseok is supposed to sit but only finding it empty.

I tune out the lesson by remembering what happened. A completely random guy thats known to be one of the biggest fuckboy in school pins me as his target. I close my eyes in anger as I remember what happened. I touch my neck to remember the hickey he gave me.

I cursed a but loudly. Then I remember Hoseok, I open my eyes still seeing his desk empty. I remember the guys' face as he was  getting beaten to death. The blood almost made me feel nauseous.

I remembered the last part of the memory before I ran away. I begged Hoseok to stop. I didn't know why, but the look Hoseok had in his eyes. It scared me. He looked like he didn't care if the guy would die or not. I had to stop him before he did something he might've regret, or maybe not.

I don't regret what I said. Him being a monster. It could only get worse from here anyways. I finally hear the teacher yell at someone who was at the door. I look up and to my surprise Hoseok was there. No blood on his shirt whatsoever.

He must've changed or something. We both made eye contact that I broke in an instant. The teacher scolded him for a good two minutes and made him sit back down. I could still feel his eyes boring into me as he walked to his desk.

I wanted to ignore him but it felt too obvious. He pushed me harshly as he walked by. I turned to look at him angrily only to be met with him glaring at me and smiling. Again it creeped me out.

I turned and tried paying attention to the class. But his eyes behind me back made it hard. I eventually made it through and as the bell rang for break I ran out the door. I put my things away before any of those bastards come and run up to the roof.

I open the door and slam it shut sighing that I made it without them noticing. Again I sit down just as I sat down the door open which made me stand up immediately. I turn and see Chanyeol and Baekhyun with drinks.

"Hey! Whats up with you lately?" They walk towards me and give me a drink. "Yeah, you've been acting jumpy lately.." Beakhyun said sipping on his lemonade. "I-It's nothing..really.." they look at each other before looking at me.

"You're so bad at lying, did you know that?" Chanyeol said. "I've been your best friends for so long, did you really think that you could lie that easily without me noticing?" I laugh.

"Well I guess I doubted too much.." I said finally. "So..next period..how have the, you know.." before he could say anything more I reply with a nod. "I-its going fine..I guess"

"There you go again with the lies! What's actually going on? Tell the truth.." Chanyeol said. I sighed. "They're just being aggressive then usual." "Like I don't know that already.." Baekhyun says.

They throw away their drinks and hug me goodbye. "We got to go finish something up, see in you class!" Chanyeol says as they leave. Leaving me alone.

I decided to leave as well since theres nothing left to do at the roof. I walk down empty halls and hear a familiar voice. "You're so beautiful, you know that?" I peek around the corner and see Jungkook with a different girl.

I scoff as he caresses her cheek. She started grinding on his member and he let out a moan. He leans in and starts kissing her as he caresses her hair.

I scoff and walk away. He said the same thing to me when I met him. I guess he's just like that.

The bell rings and I head to my next class. I take my seat seeing the boys already walk in the class without being late for the first time. They sit beside me but then I remembered. We still have our group project. I curse under my breath as the teacher tells us to continue to work on our projects with our groups.

As usual everyone works outside. I look over to Chanyeol and Baekhyun for help but they only give me a worried look as a shadow looms over me. I turn and not surprised, I see the seven bastards. Chanyeol walks over and says. "I swear, if you hurt her I will kill you!" He yells at them. I stand up and tell him to stop before Yoongi says. "Stop trying too do things that are out of your reach, and if you wanted to kill me then do so. I would happily do the same."

"Stop talking about killing people! Its bad! Lets just go." I give one more reassuring look to Chanyeol before leaving. "I would happily do so?" What the actual fuck? Why would he say such a thing? I walk outside with them following closely behind me.

"Now where do you think you're heading off too?" Jungkook says from behind. "I don't care as long as you're not there.." I say back.

"What did I tell you? You can't run away from us anymore.." Taehyung whispers in my ear which made me stop and turn to face him in anger and a bit of confusion. "I've never met you in my whole life! Why are you acting like you know me?!" I ask them.

"Because you were the one who brought us-"
Before Taehyung could finish Namjoon covered his mouth. "You need to keep your mouth shut sometimes Taehyung..If you don't i'll gladly sew them shut for you..."

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