~••Group Projects••~

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I went to my next class and sat down at the back. Mr.Yoon started talking but again. One thing caught my attention and that was the people who just entered the room. "Sorry we're late.." that voice sounded familiar. I looked up and saw the guy from the roof with Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung. I didn't know who the other three were.

But we all made eye contact which made me uncomfortable. I looked away before they could introduce themselves. "I'm Jungkook.." "I'm Jimin" "I'm Taehyung" "I'm Hoseok.." "I'm J-Jin.." "I'm Namjoon.." "I'm Yoongi"

After their introductions Mr.Yoon gestured for them to take a seat anywhere. They all looked around and everyone was offering their seats for them. They all walked towards me and sat beside me. I forgot about those seats since I always doze off. Everyone started to whisper about their disappointment in their decisions of seating choice but they didn't have a choice.

I sat now sat between Jungkook and Taehyung. I could feel their eyes boring wholes in me. I had to deal with this everyday. But luckily Chanyeol and Baekyun were with me in this class. Chanyeol sat in front of me while Baekhyun sat beside him.

Class started and everyone started paying attention again. Chanyeol turned to look at me with a worried expression. "Hey you alright?"
He whispered. "No..I feel so uncomfortable." He looks at me then at the guys. "I'm sorry I don't know what to do..." I just smile at him. "No it's fine, you never had to do anything in the first place." He smiled back reassuring me that everything will be fine.

My smile faded when he turned back in his seat. Everything will be fine..right? I tried focusing on the lesson again.

"Ahem y/n?" I looked up and saw that everyone's eyes were on me. I turned red out of embarrassment. "Please pay attention to the lesson.." I nodded and tried getting focused again.

"Ok so this project will take a long time so that means you will be placed in large groups. There has to only be eight people per group. I'll give all of you 20 minutes to decide before we move on"

Everyone immediately went to the new group of boys and begged to join their group. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were already in a group but didn't have enough room to fit me in. "I'm sorry y/n..." I just gave him a light smile. "It's fine..I'll try to go find another group" I could barely hear my own voice over the screaming.

"SILENCE!!" Everyone became silent over Mr.Yoon yelling. He called up the boys who were being crowded to the front and told everyone else to sit down. "ok Since you all are already a group of seven, you can decide to choose one more member"

They whispered to each other. I didn't know what was going to happen. Everyone was whispering, eager that they were going to be chosen, especially the girls. They were making gestures at the boys to get their attention. Until they made their decision, everyone became silent, you could hear a pin drop.

The pointed at me. "We'll take Y/n.." everyone's eyes were on me. My mind went blank. I looked at Baekhyun and Chanyeol and their expressions were surprised.

"Alright then, so if everyone has made their groups i'll explain to you what you have to do"
As the boys went back to their seats everyone started whispering things I never wanted to hear. "Why her?" "She's so pathetic!" "They made so many wrong choices already! And they just got here!" "Its not them thats the problem its y/n!"

I covered my ears as these comments continued. I didn't know what else to thing except. I'm sorry

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