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I woke up and felt myself getting squeezed tightly. It felt warm and safe. I liked it for a while until a hot breath started hitting the back of my neck repeatedly.

I turned slowly to see Yoongi still asleep. I was scared at first. If I got out he would get angry and kill me. I remembered Krystal downstairs. I needed to get her and myself out of here.

I heard footsteps outside the door where I strangely found a still full glass of water. I slowly pretended to go back to bed my face facing Yoongi. He looked so innocent. The door opened and I heard voices. "Why is she with him?! Namjoon, Jimin! Come and explain what the hell this is!!"

I heard lots of footsteps approaching the doorway and more familiar voices. "How did this happen?! Who let her out of their sight?!" "No one told me to keep an eye on her!! I thought it wasn't important!!" "Well what do we do now?! We're in deep shit.."

They all started talking at once as I closed my eyes to hear them all arguing. Until one voice spoke up as the bed shook. "What the fuck are you all doing here this early in the morning?!?! I was sleeping you motherfuck-" he stopped. I knew the voice. It was close enough to recognize.

"Why is she here?..." he says. I finally decided to open my eyes. I sat up and heard a few gasps. I looked at Yoongi who looked surprised. "Were you awake this whole time?" He asked. I nodded. "I don't know why i'm here either..I don't want to be here anymore." I say.

"Well you have no choice, we're giving you no choice." I got a bit angry at his response. I lean closer and yell at his face. "You don't own me!! Let me leave!!" I say. He just smiled. "Why should I?!" He says with a psychotic grin.

I just realized the position we were in. His legs spread apart and me between them only inches from his face. I turned fifty shades of red as I backed away immediately and covered my face from the embarrassment. I heard the laughs around me which didn't help at all.

"C'mon aren't you hungry? Its the weekend?"  Jin said as I looked at everyone. Everyone agreed and so did I as my stomach was grumbling. "Yeah I guess.." I said as I was about to leave the bed when two big hands grabbed my waist. I got pulled tighter in as I turned to see Yoongi with his smile still on his face.

"Let me go!" I say. "Why? Why can't you just stay here with me? Don't you like me?" He says. I just look at him in disbelief. "Do you actually think I like you after what you did?! After what you did to me?!" I say to him angry.

"I can't believe you.." I say. I pry his arms off me and dash out going downstairs for breakfast. I head downstairs and see All of them sitting on a big table. They all turn and face me. Some with a smile some with none.

Don't find a seat for me as there was only seven seats. Yoongi came beside me and sat in his seat. Until I heard a voice, "Y/n! Come here!" I turn but already got grabbed by two strong hand who lifted me with no problem at all. I was placed on the lap of Jungkook. I look behind me to see him smiling. "W-what?!" I say confused.

I sat up and walked towards the kitchen. I open the  door and see Jin there. At least he cooks. He turns and greets me with a smile. "Oh Y/n! You're here!" He says as I walk over to see where the amazing smell was coming from. "Wow That smells amazing!" I say which made him smile. "Glad you like it!" He says. "Here open wide!" He says as he leads a spoon towards my mouth. I open it and the taste overflows in my mouth.

"Mmm thats amazing!!" I say as I enjoy the taste. "Here have some more!" He says as he hands me more spoonfuls. But little did I know the person starring through the door window. The door opened and we both turned our heads. We both saw Jimin there with a bit of an angry look. "What are you both doing?!" He says.

Me and Jin started stammering as we tried to form a sentence. "Jimin! Its not what you think it was! I swear!" Jin finally said to Jimin who was just standing at the doorway. "I'm getting angry Jin...hurry up and get breakfast finished the rest are waiting.." he looked at me. "..impatiently" he said as he kicked the door to leave.

I felt a bit bad. What did I even do to make Jimin mad? I guess Jin noticed because he said. "Hey its not your fault..it was mine..don't worry, why don't you go back at the table and wait for me.." he says with a reassuring smile. I nod and smile back at him which only made his smile grow bigger.

I opened the door and headed to the table. Until I remembered I didn't have a seat. And I'm not going to sit in anyones lap. But to my surprise one of the butlers got a chair for me. I thanked them and sat down. I sat between Jimin and Taehyung and in front of Yoongi. I felt a bit uncomfortable but I can't change anything, I don't have a choice in this house.

Everyone was overwhelmed with silence. As some of them were playing on their phones. Some just sitting there. I remembered Krystal. I needed to get her out of here.

This place is a madhouse. But they have a reason. They just won't tell me, I want to know what happened.

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