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I look at them a bit confused and scared. Until Jin pushed me forward. "Hurry up lets go..." he said. The all walked around me making sure I wouldn't leave.

Again we enter the library and everyone takes a seat and surprisingly actually works on the project. I stand up and tell them that I would go look for some books that might help us. I walked away quickly before they could react.

Again I went at the back of the library only to find Yoongi standing there reading a book of some sort. I flinched back a bit because he was the person I was scared of most aside from Hoseok.

I hid behind a bookshelf just trying to make out what he's reading. Before I could figure out what it was he put it back and took something out of his pocket. It looked like a photo of him and a girl. He gripped it tighter and ripped it apart.

I stepped back which made a book fall. I cursed repeatedly as I looked at Yoongi who was searching for the source of the noise. He pulled something out which flickered in the light until I made it out as a small knife.

My eyes widened in fear and horror, why the fuck would he be bringing a knife where ever he goes?!

I run away and make it back to the tables where everyone else was. I quickly ran to sit down. They looked at me confusingly, as Yoongi emerged from the back of the library. The knife I saw him with was gone.

I took a deep breath and stared at him as he stared back at me, well more like glaring back. I looked away trying not to think of what I just saw. He sat beside me by pulling up a chair nearby. "Hey Yoongi why's Y/n all jumpy?" Namjoon asked.

He shook his head while glaring at me. "I don't know, probably saw something she shouldn't have..." as he said those words I stood up and walked away. "Where are you going?!" Jimin asked. "U-Uh, I need to go find a book...i'll be right back." I tell them.

I go across the library where they couldn't see me. I grab my phone and text Chanyeol. But my phone was taken. I turned and yelled to give it back until I got pinned on the bookshelf which made my back bend. "Now what are you doing? Texting Chanyeol? Why are you texting him? Hmm?" I look up to see Jungkook with a frown.

"Who is he?" He asked. "Just give it back! He's my friend!" I try grabbing for the phone. He puts it in his pocket and examines me from up to down. "Let me go you fucking pervert!"

He looks at me obviously annoyed, then he smiled. "You look so beautiful you know that?" I scoff at him. "Yeah sure, just like those other girls you said it too?" I tell him. He looks at me like he doesn't know what i'm talking about until he realizes. "Oh them? Sure I messed with them, but you're different. More important.." he said.

"I'm no different..stop acting this way its creeping me out.." I tell him. Then he turns his head and looks at my neck. He pushes my hair aside and frowns. "Who did this to you?" I looked at him confused. "Did what?"

He gripped my hands tighter. "This hickey?!" I suddenly remember. "T-that?! U-umm...its nothing you need to worry about..its not even your business!" I say back to him.

"I don't want to hurt you...please princess? Can you tell me?" He says as he try's to make his puppy eyes. "You make me sick..." I say which didn't exactly please him. He let go of my hands and moves his towards my hips. "Don't lie to me princess..I don't like liars..like I told you..those other girls meant nothing compared to you...you're more important.."

I cringe at the nickname. "Jungkook..please leave me alone before I do something I might regret.." he leans in closer making our faces almost just inches apart. "Stop making this hard..." he says. "Do your lips remember the taste of mine?" He starts leaning closer until his lips connected with mine.

I couldn't do anything, he made me trapped. I didn't want this, I don't want this. I don't know what to do..luckily someone came to my aid. "Y/n?" I looked up and saw the guys walking towards us but Jungkook was too busy noticing.

I locked eyes with Yoongi who looked like he was broken into a million pieces. It was soon replaced with anger. He was about to lunge himself at Jungkook but luckily Namjoon and Taehyung stopped him. Jungkook finally stopped and realized what he did.

His faced was hit with realization, it looked like he was possessed and finally came back to his senses. He looked at me then at Yoongi who was still mad like everyone else at Jungkook.

Jungkook looked at me and I just struck him in the face. I could see the red hand mark I left. He looked at Yoongi who was on the verge of tears like everyone else. Jungkook's face had tears already falling.

"I-I'm...sorry.." he looked at Yoongi practically begging him for forgiveness. Yoongi still had the look of anger in his eyes. "You fucking bastard!!" He yelled which made a tear fall from his face. "You said you wouldn't do this to me anymore! You said you wouldn't hurt me..hurt us!! You promised me..." Yoongi said.

Jungkook started full out crying. "P-please...I-I'm sorry!!" He said between sobs. The bell rang and Yoongi pushed Namjoon and Taehyung almost making them fall. He walked away, only looking back straight at me all broken and lost.

One more tear left before he left. Jungkook fell to the ground crying. Jimin and Taehyung went for his aid.

I step back just remembering everything that had just occurred. "I-I..." I got cut off before Namjoon said. "I suggest you leave before we all get out of control.."

I nodded and ran away looking back to see Jungkook look at me. It almost made me shed a tear as well but I know that I can't dwell on that right now.

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