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My eyes deceived me, I thought it was her. Her lips felt so good. It tasted better then before. I almost forgot about everything around me. Until it was too late. I wanted to love her before she leaves me again. 

Until I realized what I did, too late. I saw the anger in Yoongi's eyes. The tears he had were so broken. He was so broken.

We all did things to cope with these feelings. I just can't get a hold of it. The person who I think is my big brother, my family. I didn't listen. I can't bare this burden anymore. Now I know Yoongi wouldn't trust me or be around me for a while.

I deserve this, I need to cope with my own anger and stress right now. I known i'll only be hurting myself again and again. But what choice do I have to survive?

I stand up wiping the remaining tears on my face and leave, making everyone confused. The bell rang a long time ago so that means no one will be in the hallways. Maybe someone I know, I go to my locker and grab something before leaving again. I run near the entrance and as expected I see Lisa.

(I'm not a blackpink hater please this is just a fanfic)

I walk towards her with a smile. She looks up and walks towards me smiling as well. I hold her in my arms and kiss her lips. "Where have you been I've been waiting for you for a while now!" I just chuckled at her. "I was just finishing some business up, lets go near the woods I have a surprised for you!" I say back to her which made her smile wider.

She talked nonstop about Jennie and Kai whoever they are. We walked deep in the woods enough and I stopped abruptly. She turned to me. "So whats the surprise?~" she asks.

I give her a light back hug and kiss her cheeks. Until I pull out the knife that Yoongi gave me from long ago and stab her in the back. She falls to the ground lifeless now. I look at her dead body and smile. "I guess that helped with some stress...now if you'll excuse me, I have to find someone more important..."

I carry her lifeless body in my arms as blood spreads through my white shirt. I go deeper in the woods and place her in the deep lake. I walk back to my home since its near by to get a change of clothes.

I make it to he front gate and see a butler who is cleaning. He immediately opened the gate for me and I sprinted inside. I changed quickly and sprinted back outside back to school.

I know I can't make this right, but why not take it to my advantage again.

I haven't seen the guys anywhere lately, especially Yoongi. Its like all of them randomly disappeared. The bell rings I go get ready for gym. I change in the locker rooms and sigh. Why do I even need to be worried about them? Everything they did made no sense at all. Everything and everyone is so confusing. No one is telling me anything.

I was left alone in the change room when the door opens. I assume its another random person, but the voice made me freeze. "Y/n? Are you in here?" I peek through the change room door and just as I suspected I see Jungkook.

I hold my breath hoping he wouldn't find me. "Y/n? I know you're in here...please just come out...I need to talk to you..please.." his voice sounded so desperate. But I know that he's just a two-faced bastard.

It became quiet for a while until I hear a loud bang. It repeated a lot until a shadow stopped in front of my stall. With a big kick he broke it open and standing there was Jungkook in his messed up clothing.

He walks towards me and looks me up and down. "What the fuck?! This is the girls change room!" I yell at him. "I know but I needed to find you.." I look at him angrily. "Why?! You already know what happened last time.." I say back at him.

"I know...I don't want to lose another family member's trust. I love them too much to lose another one..they mean too much to me.." He says obviously about to break. "Just please understand.." he says as he lays his head on my shoulder.

"Please Jungkook...I don't even know if I should trust you...you guys are...different.." I say back while hugging him. "Please...I will protect you...because you are everything to me.." I push him off only to see him zoning out. "Jungkook! You're zoning out again!" I tell him which made him touch his head. "I-I'm sorry...You just...I don't know how to explain it..you make me feel safe and Lately, The more I see you the more I want to be with you.."

I hug him again. "Lets just see how this all will work out..like you said you don't want to lose another family member because of your actions right? What happened before, don't you think it will only make things worse?" He hides his face in my neck.

"I don't know...I just want to follow what my heart tells me for once.." I hug him tighter. But as I do I see a small red spot on the back of his neck. It looked like...blood..I shook my head, I could just be exaggerating. I end the hug and tell him to leave and go change. He nods and I follow him outside.

I look around and see that we get half of the gym again. The gym teacher lowers down the curtain to separate the gym. Everyone was waiting on the left side.

I sat on the bench but got annoyed at how loud everyone was. The curtain finally finished lowering and the gym teacher leaves to get the rest of the supplies.

I start walking behind the curtain to get away from the noise only to see Jimin sitting there on the bench in the corner of the right side.

He looks up at me. "You're actually here? I thought you wouldn't come back..." he pats beside him.

"Lets talk.."

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