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I ran out of the car before anyone could notice, they were too busy helping Taehyung. I ran into Jungkook's room and closed the door quietly. I looked around and laid on the bed. I heaved a sigh.

I looked around his room, it was messy as hell. I looked around and heard footsteps approaching. I looked inside Jungkook's sude drawer and saw a blade. My eyes focused on it and grabbed it. I place it in my pocket and hid quickly somewhere around the room.

I hid behind the door and the door opened. I held my breath hoping that the person wouldn't notice me. Jungkook trudged on his bed and laid down he instantly fell asleep, I ran out the door and closed it again quietly.

I ran around the big mansion to find a place that was isolated from all the other places the other boys would go to. I eventually found a balcony and closed the door as I leaned on the rim. I looked down then at the sky. The sun was setting. I brought out the blade I took from Jungkook.

Why did he even have that in there? I thought. I think of how I used the same blade from before, I promised I would quit..I promised myself. I guess I have to break that promise. Lots of the promises I already made that I thought I could keep are broken.

I grabbed the blade and started cutting my left arm. After a while all the blood I made started to drip and the perfect marble floor. I started getting dizzy, there was so much blood. I dropped the blade and stumbled to the side and quickly held on to the edge.

I couldn't feel the pain of the cuts anymore. I looked down again and saw the same pool reflecting the light of the moon. I sat on the edge, my feet dangling. I didn't know what to do anymore, Chanyeol was my closest family I had, now he's gone. Everyone I loved was gone.

Until I heard yelling from behind me, "Y/N!!" I turned my head and saw Yoongi sprinting towards me, some of the guys heard him yell and saw me as well making them sprint. My head started hurting again, the blood on my hands weren't helping at all. Yoongi kicked open the glass door making it shatter and the guys ran as fast as they could. Around the corner I saw Jungkook sprinting as well now.

"Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" Yoongi yelled. My eyes started to get heavy I couldn't see. "Y/N!!" Jungkook says as he pushed through everyone, but he was too late and I finally let go.

I woke up from my short nap and went to my side drawer to get a cigarette. But I noticed something different that wasn't there. My blade that I used to cut myself with. My eyes widened.

I shot up from my bed and ran outside yelling Y/n's name. As I turned the corner I saw some of the guys and Y/n on the edge of the balcony. I sprinted but I was too late.

Her body fell backwards and she started falling. But she wasn't the only one falling, Yoongi jumped after her and hugged her tightly in mid air as they both fell in the pool together.

"YOONGI!!!" I yelled. He popped up gulping down a big breath of air and carrying Y/n in his arms. The pool was filled with blood from Y/n's arm.

The guys and me ran down to the pool and saw Yoongi all wet with Y/n laying on the floor. Yoongi tried doing everything he could, because she wasn't breathing.

My heart starts beating faster as I looked at Y/n's lifeless body. Yoongi stopped and checked if Y/n was breathing.

She wasn't

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