~••New students••~

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I finally found you...I can't wait to give you everything, to love you endlessly. I just need to get rid of anything that gets in my way. I look at her leave. She looked just like her.

My phone started ringing. I picked it up annoyed. "What the fuck do you want Jin?!" "We're at the mansion where the hell are you?! Jungkook already Killed three people and dug them in the woods." "I don't give a single fuck about what you do...I got to go..." I hung up before he said anything. I needed to get my mind off things. And the best way to do that is my way. Its almost late. I bring out the knife that I brought with me.

Yes I was tired from that flight from Japan and back. But that can't stop me from doing what I want for who I love. Even though the one I love will die sooner or later anyways. My feelings we're complicated.

I laughed at my own thoughts about killing her. I just couldn't wait. I just wanted to rip her apart, limb from limb. She reminded me of a flower. I'm just going to pick off her petals. One by one. That single thought placed a small smile on my face. And that hasn't happened in a while.


I said goodbye to Chanyeol after he left. I did my night routine and jumped for my bed. I grabbed my phone and texted Chanyeol if he made it home. He replied with a yes. I was still thinking about the murderer that was on a killing spree. What would happen if he went here? What would happen if he-? I got rid of the thoughts and tried getting some rest. Before I knew it I was already asleep.

Time skip

I woke up on the floor, unfortunately I fell in my sleep but I looked at the time and noticed I was almost late. I immediately went to go do my morning routine. I magically made it on time but it hasn't left me any time to eat anything. I grabbed my phone and noticed that Chanyeol spammed me with messages.

He said that if I was late (again), then he would just get me some snacks or something. I told him thanks and dashed out the door. The bus should be here by now. I made it outside and saw Chanyeol with his friends. Baekhyun ran and gave me a big hug. "Long time no see?" I hugged him back. "Yeah, it's nice to meet each other again. It's been a while"

Chanyeol walked over and pushed Baekhyun aside. "C'mon man give her some space..anyways, you're late again." He looked at me obviously annoyed. "Listen I'm sorry I just overslept somehow. Anyways lets just go already or else you guys are gonna be late with me" they all agreed and we went walking instead since the bus never arrived.

~time skip~

We made it to school magically and we saw everyone crowding around. "What's everyone screaming about now?" Chanyeol said loudly. We walked towards the screaming crowd and saw seven boys that we all have never seen in our lives. They were obviously new, Sehun tried taking a closer look and his eyes widened.

"What is it?" I asked, he looked at me with an annoyed look. But it wasn't intended for me but for the new kids. "Something feels off about them..they magically just appear out of no where and everyone loves them?" Baekhyun popped his head in our conversation and started speaking. "Well they are really good looking, i'll give them that, but you should give them a chance Sehun, they barely did anything yet" I looked at Sehun and was wondering what he thought. But he just looked at them one more time before agreeing with Baekhyun.

The bell rang and everyone went inside. I won't lie, Sehun did have a point, but so did Baekhyun. Anyways it wasn't my problem so whats the point.

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