~••Good Friends••~

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After Mr.Yoon finished his lesson he sent us to work on it. Everyone went outside the hallway to work. Chanyeol and Baekhyun came to me to see if I was ok.

"Y/n! Are you alright? I..heard all the whispers.." Chanyeol said waiting for an answer. "I-I..i'm not sure anymore.." Baekhyun came and gave me a hug. Then right after so did Chanyeol. "Sorry if we're making too big of a deal out of this..are you sure you're going to be alright?" Baekhyun said with a stern voice.

I was about to say something before all seven of the guys appeared behind me startling me. "Let's go..." I looked up and saw Jin glaring at me. I looked at Chanyeol and Baekhyun who looked a bit irritated. "Yeah..see you around Y/n" they gave me one more look before leaving to catch up with their group.

I couldn't believe this, I was stuck with them and everyone hates me. I was so angry I didn't even bother to look at them when I harshly pushed them aside to go back to my seat and start working. Mr.Yoon was in the hallway making sure no one gets in trouble.

I wanted to ask, why? Why did they choose me out of all those people. Who are obviously better and more prettier then me. But I was too afraid to even say anything. The class was dead silent until a deep voice spoke. "Lets work somewhere else..I don't like working here and its more quiet in the library"

Everyone agreed and started leaving the classroom leaving me behind confused. The classroom was already dead silent. They all left when Jimin stopped at the doorway. He turned and looked at me.

"What the fuck are you waiting for?!" He looked at me annoyed and angry. I stood up and followed him outside. I walked to the library with Jimin beside me. He gave off a light chuckle that sounded soft but something about it feels dangerous. "You might be wondering why we chose you out of those stupid ass girls." He looked at me and I nodded.

We stopped in front of the library doors and he turned to look at me. "Well I guess you have to find that out yourself babygirl" he opened the door and gestured me to go inside. I was about to when he stopped me, he leaned in and whispered. "You and me are going to be good friends" I stiffened. I could feel his breath on my skin. I pushed him off before he could do anything else and went inside and saw all of them staring. I looked around and saw that we were the only ones here.

Not even Ms.Yuri the librarian was here. That means I was left with seven guys that might be the death of me.

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