~••Kill them both••~

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After I got off the phone with Taehyung I smiled to myself. That dumbass is actually really stupid and naïve. He was gullible too.

Once he joins us, once he brings Y/n to us..we don't have a use for him anymore. Everything came along perfectly. They'll be ruined and We will get back Y/n and finally keep her safe.

At least thats what Chanyeol wanted.

~time skip~

It was morning and it felt like the night would never leave. I didn't sleep at all. I stayed in my room all night trying to figure out how to fix everything, there was nothing I could possibly do.

I sighed and my stomach grumbled of hunger. I haven't even eaten in a few days which is obviously pretty bad. This is all my fault, after Chanyeol died. I knew he was going to fight yet I didn't stop y/n from watching.

I haven't seen Jungkook in a while too which kinda worries me. I stand up and open my door and feel the hot sunlight hitting my face from the grand window at the end of the hall. I take a deep breath, today looks too joyful for nothing bad to happen.

I wonder where Y/n was, I checked in Namjoon's room and saw him sleeping peacefully. I closed the door quietly and continued to the next one which was Jin's. I opened it just as carefully and saw Y/n sleeping in Jin's arms.

I walk towards them, Y/n looks so small in Jin's arms. I sigh and look out his window. The forest goes on forever.

I step outside and look in Taehyung's room, he was still groaning in pain, I still can't believe what Jungkook tried doing. I continued to the last room which was Junkook's. I skipped Yoongi's room because it was for the best. And Hoseok's room was found empty. I opened Jungkook's door and saw him sitting on the edge of his bed. I walk quietly towards him and see him with his head tucked in his knees.

I decide to sit beside him, he didn't move but I could still see him breathing. I sighed again as I avoid looking at him, "Jungkook...i'm sorry for everything I said and did.." he still didn't budge.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, "please Jungkook...come with me today..I'll treat you..everything will be fine I promise you..we can even bring Hoseok along if he's around.."

His head finally slowly jerks up from his knees only showing half of his face. His eyes travel to me as I look on the floor. He finally gets out of his shell and stretches. "Jimin..I should be the one saying sorry..and sure..it'd be nice to escape from things for a while..its been a rough week for all of us.."

He stand and gives me a hand to help me stand up. As he pulls me up I hug him tightly. He hugs back which made a smile crawl on my face.

"Lets get going then.." he says with the smile I missed for so long. We both walked downstairs and saw Hoseok and Yoongi sitting on the table drinking coffee. They both look at us and some glares were seen. Jungkook avoids eye contact in disappointment from Yoongi. "Where are you both going?" Hoseok says. "We're going out to get breakfast. You guys want to join?" I say trying to invite them.

Hoseok looks at Yoongi who is also trying to avoid eye contact. "Fine..we'll come." Yoongi says out of nowhere. After they clean themselves up they walk with us outside. We walked in silence for a bit until We arrived. We found a table in the corner of a small café. We all ordered by Hoseok and as Hoseok left Only me, Jungkook and Yoongi were left in silence. The café was empty and only a few people were around.

After Hoseok grabbed our food and drinks we started eating. The bell from the door rings and I ignore it. But a voice...a voice that triggered not only me but everyone at the table. We all froze. We turned our heads and saw..her..

Kim Kaidae..

But she wasn't alone..she was with Bakehyun. I looked over at Jungkook who was hyperventilating as he held his chest tightly like he was hurting so bad. I looked at Hoseok who was filled with anger and saw his hand traveling to his pocket where he usually keeps his extra knife. And Yoongi..was just starring at her.

I looked at her with Bakehyun. They kissed passionately. They turned and made eye contact with us. Baekhyun glares at me with a grin while Kaidae glares at Everyone else with a sly fucking smile.

Hoseok snapped and ran towards her which made the table brake and tip. He grabbed her neck and pinned her towards the wall with the knife on her neck.

The cashier ran out of the store in horror. I look over at Baekhyun and grabbed him but he grabs my fist before I could do anything. He bends it making it on the verge of breaking. "Kill her and i'll kill your friend here.." he says which made everyone freeze.

I yelled in pain as he bends it more. "No stop!" Jungkook yells as he pulls Hoseok away from Kaidae. "Fucking pervs.." I hear her say under her breath. "Who are you calling a fucking perv!!?!" Hoseok yells trying to run at her agian but Jungkook is trying his best to pull him back.

"We let her go..now let Jimin go.." Yoongi says lifeless. Beakhyun lets Me go making me fall to the ground. "Kaidae..moving on to another man again I see?" Yoongi says. "Leave her the fuck alone.." Baekhyun says back.

"Yoongi..its so nice to see you..alive.." she says which made Yoongi flinch. "Lets go babe.." Baekhyun says as he kissed her on the cheek. He glares at me with that same smile as he leaves the shop. "This is only the start..." I whisper.

I look over at Yoongi, "Hoseok and Jimin..follow them and kill them..both.." Yoongi says as he walks past us. I look at him a bit shocked and I look at Hoseok who seemed fine. He walks past me and goes out the door. I look back at Jungkook who was looking at me. "Go with Yoongi..don't tell the rest about this.." I say with a reassuring smile. He nods and leaves me. I quickly stand up and find Hoseok.

I knew today was too happy for nothing bad to happen.

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