~••Remember Him••~

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I walked out of the restaurant pretending to like her. I hold her hand until we were far enough near Chanyeol apartment and Y/n's old one that was deserted for so long.

I pull my hand out of hers harshly and place it in my pocket. "Baekhyun! That just made it even worse!! How am I supposed to get Yoongi back?!" She says. My head hurts from her irritating voice. "That was never part of the deal!" I say back at her.

"Yeah but...I won't cooperate if I don't get Yoongi back.." she says looking down. "What the fuck?! You said you wanted Yoongi dead!!" I yell at her. "I told you! What if I don't want him dead?! What if I want him back?!" She yells at me.

"We'll see...maybe you won't be able to get what you want without losing something important..either its your money..your looks..or maybe even your life..I don't know, it all depends on what you choose to do..your move.." I say as I walk away leaving her dumbfounded.

She runs towards me and grabs my arm as I was about to open the door. "Let go you bitch!" I say annoyed. "I will do anything you say..if I get Yoongi back. You can kill the rest or do whatever you want with the rest as long as I get Yoongi.." she looked at me desperately. "Why the fuck do you even want him? Didn't you try to kill him? You killed your last man then you found me.." I said.

"But Yoongi's different...He's..special to me. I actually felt real love..and I regret letting him go..and I know he loves me too.." I look at her weak state so desperate and pathetic. Then an Idea came on my mind then a smirk. I get rid of the smirk and turn around to face Kaidae. "Fine..thats final..you get Yoongi and I can kill the rest..you sure?" I say. She pursed her lips and nods.

A smirk appears on my face. "See you around Kim Kaidae.." I say as I open the door and close it behind me. I look in front of me and see the guys playing video games and smiling and having fun, I plaster a fake smile on my face and look at them. "Hey Baekhyun!! Where have you been?!" Xiumin says. "Just out to make a few extra bucks.." I say as I put away my jacket and my shoes. "Where's Chanyeol? He hasn't been around for a while and hasn't told us for a while..the last time I saw him was when he told me that he went to go make a few extra bucks..."

Kai says as his eyes stay on the screen. I purse my lips at the sudden question. I'm doing all this for your guys' sake. Please understand that. "He..went out for a while..he won't be coming back after a while.." I say as I plaster the same fake smile on my face. "Oh well hope he comes back soon..where's Y/n? What happened to her?" Suho said eyes looking at me for an answer.

My mouth became ajar for a short while until I smiled again and was about to say something when Suho interrupted me. "She's with those fucking bastards..isn't she? She was forced to be with them..like Chanyeol told me..she doesn't have a choice.." he says his eyes glaring deep into mine. Everyone turns and looks at him in confusion and some look at me while some ignore the situation and continue what ever they're doing.

My breath hitched for a bit, "it's nothing bad..Hey suho can I talk to you for a bit?" Everyone shrugs and continues their activity while Suho stands up and walks with me to my room. I grab him and pull him in and shut the door and lock it. "What the hell are you talking about?!" I say at him not louder to make sure the rest of the guys won't hear.

"What am I talking about? The truth..I know you've been hiding something about Chanyeol's disappearance and Before Chanyeol left he told me enough about what Y/n's going through! And by the looks of it you happen to know the rest of the story..so why don't we put two and two together..so I can help you in whatever you need to do..I hate those motherfuckers as much as you do..and Y/n..needs to be safe..for Chanyeol and all of our sakes.." he says as he looks down.

I was caught a bit off guard about what he said. But I thought about it for a moment. If I told Suho about what actually happened and what's going on..he would most likely be on board. But if he doesn't I don't know what to do anymore. I gave out a deep long sigh, "fine..i'll tell you everything.." I say finally retreating.

Suho crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow and looks at me waiting for a response. "Suho..you can't tell the rest..promise me that..please.." I say sounding a bit too desperate. He unfolds his arms and looks at me in concern. "I-I prom-" before he could finish I grabbed both his shoulder and said. "PROMISE ME!!" I practically yell. I try and keep my tears and anger at bay as I try to finish what I have to say. "I PROMISE!! ALRIGHT?!!" Suho finally says.

I choke back a sob as I look at him. "Suho..When I said Chanyeol had to make a few extra bucks..he started fighting..people bid on him to fight for the death..I don't know how long he's been doing it..but..he's dead now.." I say. I look at Suho who was already dripping tears. "W-what?! That can't actually be..no..no no no..NO!! Fuck don't fucking lie to me!!" He yells. "I'm sorry..I miss him too.." I say as I hug him tight while he cries on my shoulder.

After a while he stops. A few tears escaped my eyes as well but I tried stopping them before it got out of hand. "Suho..those motherfuckers that have Y/n..also killed Chanyeol..I just know they did..and I have a plan to get them back.." Suho looked at me. "If its for Chanyeol I'll do anything..even if it won't get him back..i'll do it for him.." Suho says as he wipes the rest of his tears. "What are you planning on doing?" Suho says.

"We're going to kill all of them...their spotlight lasted too long.." Suho looked at me with his tear streaked face. "If its what Chanyeol wanted I'll do it.." I smile. "We can even get Y/n back!" I say trying to comfort him. "I know this news is hard to take..knowing that Chanyeol and his happy smile won't be coming back to us in a while..but at least we'll remember him.." I say.

In our past there were groups that were formed to keep everything peaceful. Until one group decided to break the silence and the peace, instead made bloodshed and regret.

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