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As I saw her walk away I heard the whispers start. "He's so weak.." "I can't believe him..and I thought he was strong.." "He breaks down at the slightest of things its stupid.."

A smile broke on my face and I looked at all of them filled with pure anger. A deep chuckles escaped my mouth. I looked at the guys who were filled with fear, I could see it in their eyes.

I smiled at everyone which made them stop whispering. Before I spoke I heard a faint whisper from Jungkook. "Y-Yoongi?" I finally snapped.

"You motherfuckers want to die?...cause I can make that happen if you don't leave soon...and if any of you speak about what happened today..you're head will be on the wall..NOW FUCK OFF!!" Everyone ran away out the gym. The bell rang and we were late again.

I walked towards the guys and leaned down at Jungkook and Jimins level. "Now tell us what the fuck happened.."

I stayed in class, none of them were in sight. Again we had to work on the project. Strangely Chanyeol and Baekhyun weren't anywhere to be found. I shrugged it off and as the teacher excused us to go work he called me.

I went to his desk and replied. "Yes?" He looked around and asks me. "Where's the rest of your group?" He asks. "I-I'm sure they'll be back soon! Can I get working now, if you don't mind?" I ask trying to escape the awkwardness.

He nods and continues whatever he's doing. I sigh in relief and walk out of the classroom towards the library. Again no one was there I decided to walk around the library trying to find anything useful.

I ended up where I saw Yoongi before. I tried finding the book he held from my memory. I eventually found it and finally read the cover. It said nothing.

I flipped through the pages and saw them all empty. Why the heck was Yoongi reading empty pages? Until I made it to the last page I found something written in. It said "I love you.." I wondered who wrote this and left it here.

I placed it back and walked more around the library. Until I heard the doors open.

"Now tell us what the fuck happened.." I said. "This is getting out of hand!" Namjoon yelled. "I can't take this! Have you seen what happened to us all in just a few days because of her! We need to get it done and over with! So we won't get hurt anymore! So we will finally leave this cruel place! The only thing we have is ourselves. And we need to stick together! The more we're going to keep this up the more its going to rip apart! Its going to rip us apart! And I can't lose you guys...if I did...I wouldn't be alive right now.."

Everyone stopped at Namjoon's words. "Namjoon's right..but you have to admit it Namjoon..you don't want her to leave again..do you?" Jin said looking at Namjoon.

He nodded. "We can't get over her because of how she changed us all...but she almost broke us all as well.." everyone took it to thought.

"Thats not the point right now! The point is what made Jungkook and Jimin fight! Now hurry up and tell us what happened!" I finally said.

"Jungkook...he was crying in a corner and I found Y/n with him..and he hurt this girl..then I said something and he started fighting me.." I looked over at Jungkook who was trying to avoid eye conact at the moment.

I sighed, "lets go..or else.." I said to everyone while walking away with everyone closely following.

The door opened and I ducked down and peeked through the book shelves. I saw all seven of them place themselves on the table. They started talking pretty quick.

"Wheres Y/n?" Taehyung said. I stay silent, I don't want them to find me, at least not yet. "She should be here..we decided to always work on the project in the library.." Jin said to everyone. "What if she ran off? Because of what happened.." Hoseok said glaring at Jimin and Jungkook.

"Well we can't let her leave..not after everything.." Namjoon said. I didn't have the courage to just sneak and leave, but to my surprise I made a book fall while I was shifting back. I cursed repeatedly. I looked through the book shelve and saw them pull out multiple knifes. "Holy fuck.." I whispered. "Who did that?" Jimin said not looking quite amused at the moment.

I covered my mouth and quietly shifted to another aisle of books as quietly as I could. Why the fuck are they carrying knives around with them?! I stood up and tried to make a run for it but saw Jimin block the doors. I was screwed.

I ducked again and tried crawling but I stopped as I heard Hoseoks voice. "Come out...you already know you won't survive, don't make this hard.."

I turned and came faced to face with Taehyung. His face made a creepy smile as he caressed my cheek with a knife in one hand. "So you're the lost kitten who was scampering around..we were going to look for you..."

He turned as something zipped past my face. I turned my head slowly to see a dagger stuck in the books. I started to feel a stinging sensation, I looked at who threw it and saw Jin standing with three more between his fingers. Taehyung glared at him. "You know that trick doesn't scare me anymore right Jin?" I looked at the knife only inches away from my face, something red and cold dripping on the side of my face, and before I knew if I felt myself fall.

I already knew she was here. I just needed to find her first. And as I expected I did, I caressed her face when I found her trying to get a good look of her face again.

But I felt someone behind me and as I turned around a dagger zipped past my face and landed on books. I looked at the culprit which was Jin. I sighed, "you know that trick doesn't scare me anymore right Jin?" I asked him. He didn't look pleased. He looked behind me and yelled my name while running towards me. I turned just in time to catch a body about to fall.

I looked at her face knocked out cold, I smiled, she still looked cute, I turned her head slightly and noticed she got cut, I picked her up bridal style and carried her in my arms. "She just fainted and got cut on the side of her head, and its your fault Jin, thanks a lot.." I said while walking out calling the others.

"Looks like we found our lost kitten.."

Love Me (Rewritten Vers.)Where stories live. Discover now