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We arrived and the place looked the same, I looked over at Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok, they looked excited to be back.

We drove in and parked the limo at the front, the place was a huge old castle. I woke Y/n up with something I know will trigger Jungkook, i kissed her which made her eyes flutter open. "We're here princess.." I say with a smile.

She looked spaced out, I think it was because of the sudden kiss. "C'mon.." I say. I opened the door for her and she stepped out. "Its going to be quite a night.." I say.

"Wow this place looks amazing!" She says in awe. "Where even are we?" She says. "Far away..don't worry I'll be here to protect you.." I say. She scoffs at me, "protect me? I doubt it, you don't know how many times people have said that to me, its only lies so why are you any different?" She says which kinda caught me by surprise.

"Well...lets just go inside.." I say getting embarrassed. As we walked inside everyone's eyes were on us, or mostly on the former champions. But some eyes were also on Y/n. I felt uncomfortable with all the eyes on her. "Are you alright?" I say, she nods. "Where are we going? Isn't the party over there?" She says pointing to the food buffet. I shake my head.

"The fun's over here.." I say as we enter a dark room and appear in a grand arena. "What is this place Jimin?" She say looking around. "This is where all the fun happens..this was where Jin Namjoon and Hoseok were from..this was where they were when they were younger."

I say. She looks uncomfortable, "is anything wrong?" I say to her concerned. "Why us there blood stains everywhere in the arena?" She says. "Because..they're going to kill each other.." I say. I looked at her, "so you're saying..that Namjoon..Jin..and Hoseok did this? When they were younger?" She said. I nodded in response.

"They were forced here to make money..killing other peoples lives to make money for themselves or else they died. They were the champions before they left..now they want to know who replaced them.." I say.

"Can I go? Please?" She says. I look at her as we sit down at the front. She sat between me and Jungkook which I didn't like at all.

"Stay the fun's about to begin.."

I hold her hand to comfort her. Until the announcer speaks to announce that it will soon begin. "Welcome!! To our arena from hell!! Hurry up and place your bets because it will now begin!!"


This is insane..what is going on?! Bloodshed..this will all end in bloodshed..I hated this, I started hyperventilating. "J-Jimin..please..I wanna leave.." I say. He leans in and kisses my cheek which I didn't care about at the moment. "C'mon just stay seated for a little while." He says.

The announcer speaks again. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen! We are so fortunate to have the three former champions from eleven years ago! To attend our fights tonight! Lets begin shall we?!"

"On the left we have our newcomer, Lucifer!!" The crowd screams as the guy enters the arena. "And our reigning Champion for 4 years...CERBERUS!!" A guy enters the arena and he looked familiar.

I looked closer and my eyes widened in horror, terror and my eyes started to water. "No no no no no no no no no no no!!" Please this can't be happening!! This can't be true!!" I yell. There I see Chanyeol..

"Isn't that your friend Y/n?" Jin say. I was too busy trying to contemplate what was happening. Chanyeol...why didn't you tell me you were doing this? Making money like this? Hurting yourself like this?!

Why didn't you tell me?!!

My heart beats as the announcer counts down.


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