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I stood up slowly holding Jimins jacket tight. It was freezing inside their insanely huge mansion.

"Where do you think you're going?!" I stopped and turned around to see the source of the voice only to see Hoseok with his leather jacket and a pair of keys. "I-I..u-umm.." before I could finish he gave out a chuckle.

"You must be traumatized..I don't blame you.." he walked towards me with a serious glare. "But I do blame you for lots of other things...even though.." he stopped his sentence before he did anything else.

He gave out a long sigh before looking outside. "Will you come with me? I need to fetch something.." he says as he glared at me, his vicious eyes starring right at me. "S-sure.." I say, afraid of disobeying him.

He smiled, "ok then lets go.." he says. We both walk outside and to the garage. He opened it and it revealed a lot of expensive cars. He walked over to one of the motorcycles in the middle. He started the engine and looked at me. "You gonna come or not?" He says. I walk over quickly and sit behind him.

This was my first time riding an actual motorcycle. He noticed I looked scared. "Here let me help.." he said. He turned around and grabbed my hands gently and placed them on his waist. I was a but surprised at the action but stayed quiet. "Hold tight or you might fall...I don't want you to get hurt." He says as he starts driving slowly.

Before I knew it we were already on the highway. I looked at the view of the passing by objects. Until I realized we were leaving the city. Where is he taking me? It was a while until we stopped on the side ditch of the road. I was going to step down until he picked me up and placed me down without a single word.

"Follow me.." he said. I followed him walking through the woods. It was going to get dark soon. We walked for a while until we came to a clearing. I looked up and realized we we're on a hill overlooking a valley. I gasped at the sight it was so beautiful.

I walked slowly to the edge, trying to get a better view. I was filled with awe. Until two hands slithered on my waist and I could feel a hot breath on my skin. "Its beautiful isn't it?" I could hear him say.

I was afraid of the situation I was in. "Y-yeah..it is..what did you need to get?" I ask Hoseok who was obviously enjoying every moment.

He stayed silent, I decided to lay down since it was so calm, it pulled me away from everything that happened. Everything I saw an witnessed. Yes, I was afraid, but not here, not now.

Hoseok sat beside my head, he grabbed my gently and placed my head on his lap. "Here, its more comfortable then the hard ground." He says. I actually felt safe, I felt finally normal. I started to thank Hoseok for bringing me here. Until I felt a cold touch run up my waist and below my shirt.

I shot up angry. "Hoseok!! What the fuck?! Why would you do that?! After what you saw me go through! You saw what happened and you still have the nerve to do that! You're such a fucking hypocrite! How could you do this to me?! You fucking monster!!" I yell at him.

He looks at me, "Y-Y/n...I am so sorry...I-I.." I didn't let him finish by standing up and walking away. "Come back!!" He yells for me. I walk until I see the motorcycle in sight. "Y/n! Listen to me! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done that! I'm so fucking stupid!!" He says. I don't look at him. "Take me home now Hoseok.."

He obeys and starts the engine. I hold onto him as we drive back. I try keeping my distance not wanting to touch such a person.

Until night finally fell until he finally spoke. "Can I tell you a story?" I don't respond my eyes getting tired. "When I was young, I was left alone. I strived for myself. I stole things" before I let him finish I said. "I already know.." there a moment of silence.

"How?" He says finally. "Taehyung told me...don't hurt him please.." We stayed silent the whole was back.

He parked his bike in the garage and tried helping me down which I harshly refused. "Please Y/n! Don't treat me like this!" He says obviously getting more angry.

I stay silent and stop at the door. "I want to go home.." I say. I look at him with no mercy in my eyes remembering his fake smile and what he was intending to do. It hurt me so much. "I won't let you! You're not going anywhere without us from now on..i'll be getting your stuff to move in tomorrow."

I turned in anger. "What do you mean?! I don't want to live here! I have a family! I have a life! You can't just take that away from me! I miss everyone! You guys just popped out of nowhere! Now you're plucking me from the life I had to start a new one with you!!?? You're a sick bastard! I will never love you! I will never learn too! Why don't you just kill me?!"

I look at him as his eyes widened. "You think that I would kill you?!" I look down trying to think of something. "You don't own me..so leave me the fuck alone.." I say as I open the door to enter the house.

I open to see the boys sitting on the couch watching TV. They all turn to see me. All their eyes on me, until Hoseok came behind me. Their stares suddenly darkened.

I walk towards them.

"Where am I going to sleep? I want to go home..."

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