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I went back into the arena and saw the guards there where they locked up the fighters. "State your name.." the guard says. I glare at them. "You really don't remember who I am?" The guard shakes his head which only made the fun even more fun. (For me at least)

"My names Min Yoongi..now will you kindly let me in?" I say. The guards eyes widen at the sound of my name. "Y-Yes sir right away!!" He says opening the door.

I walk inside and look at all the wounded, the ones at are still waiting to fight, and the ones that are dead. I grimaced at the dead bodies as they throw them away. I walk down the dark hall all the way at the back. There I find the cage I was looking for.

On the cage was a name engraved in pure silver which said "CERBERUS" in capital letters. I looked at what it contained and just like I planned, there he was sitting on the floor crying.

I scoffed, Is Y/n really wasting her tears on someone like this? I think. I lean down and tap the cage, his head goes up slowly and looks at me and gives me death glares which only made me smile. "Hello there, Chanyeol..was it?"

His body moved fast as he darted towards the bars separating me and him and tried grabbing me which only made him get electrocuted. He yelled in pain as he fell to the floor.

"You shouldn't have done that..now I didn't know that you were the champion here..I guess you're just trying to make a few extra bucks." I say while looking at him. I sat down on the floor with my knees tucked as I stare at his useless state.

He finally speaks in his clearly weak voice. "Why?! Why did you bring Y/n here?! I know that one of your damn bastards knew I was going to fight..at least one of them! Its impossible for any of you not to know who was going to fight!" He says.

I roll my eyes, "don't get off topic, Y/n is wasting her tears for someone like you..which makes me sick..I don't know why she finds you so special..you look like nothing and you are nothing. She's up there crying her heart out for you! YOU!!! Do you know how that makes me feel? That she's not crying for me? And instead she's crying for you?! It hurts..but I guess you don't know what that feels like because you have everyone loving your every single move..all your GODAMN FUCKING LIFE!!!"

I pant as I was yelling a lot. "Now..I'm going to erase you once and for all..a way that Y/n won't know that its me...I never liked you anyways.." I say while glaring at him as I stand back up.

"You touch one fucking strand of her hair and i'll fucking KILL YOU!!!" He said as he tried running again at full speed but only getting pulled back by the chains attached to his legs and getting electrocuted again. I laughed at his stupid question.

"She'll be mine and I can touch her anywhere I want..and you won't be there to stop me.." I say as I walk away back into the dark hallway.

I went to the announcer and said, "I have a fighter for the last match tonight.." I say. He nods as he agrees with a wide smile. "This will be an interesting night indeed.." he says. I smile at what was awaiting for that fucking bastard.

I walked back inside to get a drink of soju. But instead I was in a empty hallway. I walked down the empty hallway because it was nice and quiet.

That Motherfucker Jungkook was so full of himself. He doesn't know a damn thing. I hate him for it.

I stand at the end of the hallway looking out of the window at the night sky.

I remember the days where me and Jungkook would go out and...take lives. I smiled at the thought, we were having so much fun. When days gone by, he started to change when she came around. Y/n of course would change all of us.

I sighed, maybe I shouldn't have been that hard on Jungkook. I think, maybe he deserved it. I don't even know anymore.

I turn around only to be pushed into another room harshly as I fell down to the floor. I get up but I couldn't see anyone because it was dark. The only thing that lit the room was the window. I ran towards it and waited, "who are you?! Do you know who I am?!" I yell into the darkness of the room.

I stayed there, it was quiet, Then the man in the darkness finally emerged and my eyes widened in shock. I couldnmt recognize him anymore, "J-Jungkook?!" I say. He walks towards me with a knife.

He glares at me, "hah..you..I thought we were brothers.." he said with a clearly broken voice.

My eyes start to water, "J-Jungkook..what are you doing?!" I say. He looks at me one more time before running to stab me, I closed my eyes but didn't feel any pain. I opened my eyes and saw someone in front of me. "T-Taehyung?!?!" Jungkook yells. I look at what happened and Taehyung took my place.

Jungkook dropped everything and picked up Taehyung who was barely breathing now. Jungkook started crying while hugging Taehyung tightly.

I looked at Taehyung and he was losing a lot of blood. My eyes finally let go of the tears I held in and I yelled for help desperately. "HELP SOMEONE PLEASE!!!" I yell.

Lots of people came in and lots started yelling and screaming. The guys came in with Y/n and their eyes widened as they pushed everyone aside. "What the fuck happened?!?!?" Namjoon yelled.

I looked at Jungkook who was still crying on Taehyung's shoulder. "Just help! We need to help Taehyung first!!" I say. They nod and Jin asks if they have any bandages. Y/n goes to Taehyung's head and tries to wake him up.

His eyes flutter open weakly as he sees Y/n he smiles. He tries to caress her face with his weak hands. Y/n took his hands in hers and started crying as well. "Hold on there Taehyung..just hold on! I'll be right here!" She says. Taehyung's smile grew wider. "Promise me you won't leave me?" He says barely.

Y/n nods as she cries. Again Taehyung's arm drops back down and his eyes closes.

The people in the room were panicking. It increases as Hoseok pulled the knife out of Taehyung which made screams go throughout the room. Taehyung also yelled in pain and agony.

Jin got the bandages and bandaged and helped Taehyung while we stayed. Namjoon and Jin pushes everyone out and told them not to say anything. Only then Yoongi walked in the room. "Where were you?!" Hoseok yells. Yoongi looks at the situation. "What the fuck happened to Taehyung?!?" He yells. Hoseok explains the situation as Yoongi stares at the body.

I look at Jungkook, he was saying, "this is all my fault..this is all my fucking fault!!" He says.

"I'm sorry.." Jungkook says between sobs. I go beside Jungkook and hug him tightly, "Jungkook this..is not your fault..please don't say that..." I say. He wouldn't look at me which hurt me. I look at Y/n who was trying to help Jin. "Its always going to be my fucking fault..why don't I just die instead?" Jungkook says.

My eyes widened at his words. "Jungkook don't fucking say that!!" I yell.

Jin finishes and carry's Taehyung near the bed that was in the room. He lays down Taehyung's gently as Taehyung groaned in pain.

Everyone gathers around, "now, will you guys care to explain what happened?!" Yoongi said clearly angry.

Jungkook was about to say something when I said, "it was my fault..I accidentally stabbed Taehyung.." I say. "How can you accidentally stab a person?!?" Hoseok yells. I look at Jungkook who was looking at me in shock.

Everyone was talking at once until one certain voice spoke. "P-please..i-its not anyone's fault..don't blame them.." everyone turns to Taehyung. "Taehyung are you alright?!" Y/n says.

"Its not anyone's fault..now just forget about it.." he says.

Our family is broken again
Yet we still don't know why

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