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I sat there, still traumatized by everything. Now he expects me to go to school with him?! I'm sick of him. I'm sick of them playing with me like i'm some kind of toy they can just throw away after using.

I can't escape. If I do I will either die or put another person's life in danger. I can't risk it. I don't even know what to wear. I get out of the bed and head to Jungkook's bathroom. I take a shower and try to do my usual morning routine.

I eventually did but the only problem was I had nothing to wear. I went to take a look in Jungkook's closet and found a lot of white shirts. I found an old pair of pants that probably look like they could fit me and grabbed a random shirt.

I wore the pants and they actually fit me pretty well. They must be really old. I tucked in the shirt and looked at myself in the mirror. I look so small in it. I couldn't focus on it as the door opened and a butler walked in. "Oh i'm sorry miss..but Master would like for you to come downstairs.." He says as he leaves. I quickly run downstairs and see him sitting at the table already eating. He looked up from his plate and stared at me as I froze in place.

"What are you waiting for?" He says which made me walk and sit down far away I could from him. "I got you a backpack..." he says as he holds a bag from his hand for me to see. It looked expensive yet simple. I stay silent. I hear him drop the bag on the floor. "Eat" he says as he stands up and walks to the sink with his plate in his hands. I look at him and notice him gripping tightly on his plate.

He must be angry..I can't get him more angry then he already is. I finish my food quickly and was about to go wash it in the sink when two hands grab my hands gently from behind me. I felt startled and scared, I couldn't even move, because I knew who it was. "Let me grab that for you.." he says in his voice. I let his hands grab my plate as I let my arms fall to my sides. I could feel his hot breath on the side of my neck.

I stay frozen until he leaves. I grab my new bag and wait at the door. I was frozen, I couldn't do anything. A shadow appeared in front of me. I looked up to see Yoongi holding something in front of me. "This is your new phone, your only contacts are me or the others. Add anyone else without my permission, you lose your phone. Understand?" He says. I nod slightly and take the phone still staying silent. He opens the door to the garage but turns to look at me. "Do you want to take the car or bus? We could also walk too if you want.." he says. I say nothing.

Cause I feel like whatever I say will displease him. "Fine if you won't say anything we're taking the car." He says. I walk behind him towards one of their expensive cars.

He opens the door for me and I step inside and just sit there. He sits beside me on the drivers side. "I packed a lunch for you in there.." he says. He starts the engine and leaves.

We start driving through streets. We both were replaced with silence. "You know Y/n...I'm truly sorry..could you please talk to me?" He says. I say nothing. "Who's shirt it that?" He says.

I finally turn to face him. "W-why?" I say. "Because I don't remember giving you any clothes to wear..where did you get those?" He asks getting a bit irritated. "Its Jungkook's..why?" I say. He stopes the car immediately as the light flashed red. "...why are you wearing Jungkook's clothes?!?" He yells. "I couldn't find anything to wear!!" I yell back. "You could've asked me!!" He yelled louder as he spoke.

We arrived at school and I tried opening the door but he locked it before I could open it. "Where do you think you're going?!" He says. "We have to go to school remember?! We're already late aren't we?!" I say. "You're not leaving without me!" He says.

He leaves the car and opens my door for me. I step out and we both walk to school quickly. We made it too our next class. Everyone was starring at Yoongi in the hallways. I was devoured in silence until a familar voice spoke. "Y-Y/n?! Where have you been?!" I was suddenly stuck in a hug with nine guys. I looked to see what was happening. I saw Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Xiumin, Kyung-soo, everyone was there.

I finally felt relived. "Y/n! Where have you been!!" They say as they broke the hug which hurt me since I had stitches.

"I was at a..friends house.." I say trying to sound happy. They look at me a bit skeptical. "Ok I was so worried! I couldn't contact you at all! I was wondering what happened to you! You could've been caught by some random people that could possibly be murderers!" Chanyeol says. Funny of him to say that.

I look behind me to see Yoongi with a bit of an angry face. We both make eye contact as he pushed through the guys. "Hey whats your problem?!" Chen said. He grabs my arm and pulls me away. "We need to have a little chat.." He says. "H-hey!!" Kai suddenly says as he pushes Yoongi away. The more they pulled I started yelling as my stitches started opening.

"YOU'RE HURTING HER!!" Yoongi yells as he punched Kai in the face. "Stay away from her from now on!" He yells as he pulls me away again. Its happening all over again. I can't let his happen again. But I was too weak. My stitches they started opening. Yoongi pushed me on the wall. "How could you let yourself get hurt?! Your stitches probably opened didn't they?! I don't want you to get hurt!! Can't you understand that?! I'm trying to protect you the best I can Y/n!! I want you to know that i'm here caring for you!!"

He yells in anger as he brings out extra stitches and bandages. I never even knew he brought those with him. He pushed both of us into a nearby empty classroom and started taking off my shirt. I wanted to kick him off for touching me like that suddenly but the pain was making it hard.

He stared at me for a moment, I know this is wrong. His face was only inches away from mine. He started getting closer until I pushed him gently. I can't do this, he's a bad guy. He knits his eyebrow and looks at me like I hurt him. "R-right..i'm sorry.." he says as he tries to continue stitching me.

"I don't love you Yoongi...I don't love anyone...not one of you guys especially..if you want to hurt me like this forever and even kill me i'm fine..just as long as I die knowing that I don't love you and you don't love me...I don't want to be with anyone..cause I already know it will hurt everyone in the end..but it will hurt the person you love and yourself the most..."

He flinched as I finished my sentence. He still continues his stitching but his hand started shaking. He finished after a while and said nothing as he cleaned all the blood from my body and cleaned everything up and left without a word. He didn't even look at me.

I guess what I said finally set him straight. I can't love someone that will only hurt me in the end. Thats how its always been. Being used just for everyone's desires..getting hurt at the end by the person you love most..I can't bare to go through all that again. But as I continue this, the more I can cope. Just like them. They're still trying to forget. We're not that different.

I want them to know that I can't love someone else. I can't stick to someone for so long. Chanyeol and his friends were different. They didn't use me. That was way before everything that happened to me. What everyone did to me changed me.

Getting back up on my feet was hard.

I'm not going to fall again

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