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Jin came in with all the food and I smiled at him since everything smelled heavenly. The food came in and I quickly dug in. I smiled at Jin. "This is amazing!" I say. He smiled back. "I'm just glad you like it!" He says which weirdly got him a few glares from the others.

I ignored them and finished my food quickly. I guess they noticed. "Y/n..why are you rushing?" Jungkook says as he looks at me. "Oh nothing. Its just really good.." I say. I finish my food and wash my plate quickly. "I'll just be at the bathroom for a bit!" I say as I dash upstairs.

First she's praising Jin's cooking and second she quickly finishes is like she's in a rush to leave. Were we that awkward? "I'll just be at the bathroom for a bit!" She says as she dashes upstairs. I got confused and I guess everyone else did too since there was a bathroom right behind me.

We ignored it since she didn't know her way around the place yet. We all just continued eating in complete silence.

I tried remembering where the place was. I never wanted to go back there, see what I didn't want to see. I wanted to go back to my normal life. But I can't just leave Krystal down there. She might have some answers about what the boys' intentions are. I find the dark hallway I was once in. I walk down the same stairs. Each step meeting the cold floor.

I turn on the light and see Krystal still there, glad she wasn't taken out yet. But I still see the other dead bodies around. It started to stink bad. I walk slowly near her body and shake her. Her head moves slowly and makes eyes contact with me. She finally smiles. "You actually came back to me?! Thank you!! I'm glad they haven't seduced you yet..like they did with the rest.." she said as she looks at he dead bodies on the wall with her. "Quickly now!" She says in a whisper.

I nod and remove the chains on her wrists. She falls to the floor happily that she's finally free. I hug her tight to reassure her that both of us are going to leave this madhouse. Alive

"Lets go before they notice anything.." I say. We both walk quietly up the stairs and made sure we turned off the lights.

We ran to A random room to hide. "Who's room is this?" I ask her. "Taehyungs..luckily! The balcony he has is the closest to the ground!" She says. I nod, we both run to the balcony door. I opened it and looked down from the balcony only to see a pool. "Are you sure they won't see us?!" I say. "I've been here for a while before they chained me up..I know.." I took her hand as We both Jumped from the balcony.

The splash that the pool made was large. We swam for the edge to try and escape. Yes we were wet but we were so close to freedom. The only thing standing thats left from freedom was the wall. Luckily there was a secret hole that she dug before she got chained up near the garden.

I run with Krystal and see the hole. She crawls under and makes it safely to the other side. She has a big smile on her face as she was finally free from the grasp of these psychotic people.

I try crawling under and she helps me with her hand before I heard a shriek of terror, pure terror. "Y/N!!! NO!!" I suddenly felt hands pull my legs back hard. I hear her crying. I look up to see the guys there. No..the plan failed..I see Jungkook trying to grab Krystal. She backs away with tears.

"Y-Y/n! I'm sorry!!" She yells. "Go!!" I manage to yell back a her. She looks at me one last time before Jungkook and Hoseok were about to climb the wall. She runs away as fast as she could. Until I couldn't see her in the patch of trees. I was pinned down. I couldn't move.

At least she was free. "FUCK!!" I heard Namjoon yell. He runs his hand through his hair in frustration. He looks at Hoseok and Jungkook who were sitting on top of the wall. "Jungkook Hoseok...find her and kill her....now." He says. My eyes widened, they can't. Jungkook and Hoseok smile at each other and nod. The fall on the other side and sprint in the woods until I can no longer see them.

This was my chance. I kicked whoever was holding me down which sadly was Jin. He fell and they all darted their heads to me as I stood up and ran away.

"Shit!! Get her!!" Namjoon yelled in pure anger. The only thing I could see was Taehyung sprinting with the rest behind him. I knew I couldn't outrun him. Thats why he tackled me to the ground.

I try kicking him off me but it was no use, he was too strong. "You've been a bad girl..." he says. "Let me go!!" He looks at me with a grin. "You have to be punished.." he says.

"P-please no!!" I say. "You won't learn if you don't get punished..you have to learn that you're ours and you're here to stay..if you can't understand that then things are going to end badly for you..I don't want to do this to you Y/n..but you're making me.."

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