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Just as the bell rang she escaped. I yelled "MOTHERFUCKER!" I laughed at how cute she looked running away with bruised legs. I gave up running to catch her. I stood up and walked towards the guys. They looked at me like they were waiting for something.

"So where is she? And why did you skip class?" I just chuckled at Jimin's questions. "Well I was just walking and met our little friend running in what seems like a shortcut and she heard me so she started running and fell and dislocated her leg."

They all laughed at the dislocated part. "And then what did you do?" Jungkook asked. "Well I told her if she answered my questions I would fix her leg.." "then what?" Hoseok started yelling. "Cool your shits! I gave her the question, she answered and I fixed her leg..."

Before I could say anything more Yoongi grabbed my collar and pinned me up on a wall. "We could've had her!" He let go thanks to Namjoon and Jimin for pulling him back. "I know!.." Jungkook looked at me. "What were the questions you gave her exactly?" I pursed my lips. I didn't want to say it.

"What was the goddamn question!!" Namjoon started yelling. "I just asked if she was afraid of me! Ok?!" They all cooled their shits but Yoongi was still mad. "What a dumbass question.." "don't worry..we can cool off with dinner at a place I know. And maybe-"

Before I could finish my sentence they already agreed.


I waited for the boys to call me with a bit of k-drama. Instead I heard a knock at the door. I walked towards it and opened it only to see Chanyeol and everyone else. "You ready?" Baekhyun asked. "Yeah lets go I'm starving!" They all laughed and we all went out. "Who's paying?" Chen asked. Everyone pointed at Kai.

"Heyyy!! Why me? Fine.." we walked for a while and finally made it. We went inside and took our seats.

Everyone started fooling around and ordering food. I stayed silent still not sure what happened from the day. Baekhyun noticed I looked down. "Hey, is there anything wrong? You know about Chanyeol getting punched..it wasn't your fault.." I just laughed and smiled. "I know..I just..don't like seeing my friends get hurt.." he nodded and gave me a smile.

My smile soon faded when the jingle of the door came. I looked up and saw them. My eyes widened in fear. They were happily smiling and laughing like they were normal.

I tried looking down avoiding their faces. I stoped breathing. I could hear my own heartbeat. They sat right beside our table. I looked up and saw Chanyeol starring at them with an angry expression.

He looked at me. "Why are they here?!" He said in a whisper. "I don't know.." I said afraid.
The food arrived and everyone started eating. I felt so uncomfortable. Instead of eating I looked at the TV that was showing the news. My eyes widened in horror. Ten people were already killed today. In our town, they found mangled body's in an alley way. Their organs and blood were everywhere.

I was paying close attention when Chanyeol came and covered my eyes. "Don't watch the news.." he said. When I heard the news stop the whole restaurant became silent. I stood up and went to the bathroom. Everyone started eating again. I went into an empty stall and just sat there.

I started crying, why is this happening? I kept thinking. Everything changed in just one day. I didn't even know that was possible. I heard the bathroom door open. I thought it was another girl but I heard his voice. I stoped breathing and moving as he said. "Are you trying to play hide and seek with me kitten?"

I remembered that voice. "Here kitty kitty..come out.." I started hearing metal scrapes. I stayed silent praying he won't open any stalls. I didn't know what to do. Until the metal scraping stopped and the door opened. I heard his voice. "Y/n? Are you in here? I'm sorry if this is the girls bathroom but I don't know where else you would go." Without thinking I said.

"Xiumin? Is that you?" I opened the door and just as I suspected I saw Jungkook standing there washing his hands. I looked at him and he was starring right at me through the mirror. I looked at Xiumin. "Hurry up! Or else I'll kick your butt!" I gave off a light chuckle with Jungkook still starring at me.

"I'm coming.." Xiumin looked at Jungkook and said, "hey you know this is the girls bathroom right?" Jungkook suddenly turned and looked at Xiumin with a wide smile. "Oh really? Wow that's embarrassing! I'm sorry!" That smile was obviously fake. I hurried up with Xiumin and saw the guys waiting outside.

"Sorry but Suho and Do ate your food..i'll buy you some more if you want?" I shook my head, "its fine, i'll just get my things i'll see you outside" he smiled and headed outside. Jungkook headed back to his table.

I quickly grabbed my things and ran but one of them grabbed my hand. I turned and saw Jimin standing there. "You dropped this." I looked at what he was holding and saw my phone. "T-thanks.." i quickly grabbed it and pulled my hand away from his, but he gripped it tighter and pulled me closer. He whispered in my ear, "better be careful out there..you don't know how many crazy people are actually here" He let go and just smiled and laughed. I pulled away from him and headed outside. The only crazy people I know is you guys..I thought.

How did they get a hold of my phone? I swear I had it with me the whole time..

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