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I doubted it for a second until he glared at me which made me sit down slowly. "Listen...about before.." I cut him off before he could finish.

"Y-Yeah.." I said back at him. He stands up and blocks me with his shadow and gives me his hand. I take it hoping he wouldn't glare at me again but instead I was met with his innocent eyes. Or at least it was innocent.

"Listen, I know we've been acting strange...its strange even with me. It hasn't happened at all before until now..until we met you.." I look in his eyes which spoke that he was also confused about everything that has happened.

"You just took something inside us that we thought we berried long ago to show again. Its hard showing it, it hurts. You probably don't know why we say these things to you, you might feel confused, sad, or even angry, and we don't blame you at all. You just help us feel more...at home with ourselves...you're my other half."

The last thing he said caught me off guard as he hugged me tight. "I can't let you leave for him...he's a bad guy...I don't want you to get hurt again...I don't want them to hurt you again..."

His words felt sad and broken like the rest of them but he had something different I can't get a hold of. I hugged him back but just as he was going to do something else we heard a faint squeak around the curtains corner. We both turned instantly as I held him tighter hoping no one saw or heard what happened.

"Who was that?" I asked. "Don't worry...i'll protect you..whoever will hurt you will not survive anyways..." He says as he stared at where the source of the sound once was.

I pushed him off and left with him running closely behind me. "H-Hey! Where are you going?!" He said. "I can't deal with this right now i'm sorry...I just don't understand you or them..at all. Just please leave me alone for a while.."

I said as I walked away leaving him standing.

I saw her, she looked just like her the more I see her. The more I need her to myself. My head started hurting again, but I didn't want to show it.

I looked at her and patted beside me, "lets talk" I said. She followed my orders which I was surprised since the incident last period. We sat in silence only for a tiny bit. "Listen...about before.." I couldn't finish as she cut me off. I just stared at her as she spoke. Remembering everything so vividly. Hoping that those memories can come true again.

But I also hope for some memories to vanish and disappear.

I stand up and reach my hand out in front of her which she took. I spoke normally until I got carried off. I tried stopping myself, stopping myself into saying anything but my body won't let me. Or is it my heart that won't. I hugged her trying to find affection that I never properly gained.  I got brought back to reality as I felt her hug me tighter.

I wanted to stay in that forever, to be loved by someone I love, Deeply. Until a faint but obvious sound was made that made my head turn like a bullet. I turned to find that source of the sound which was once the curtain. I heard a faint sound of a shoe squeak.

My chest felt tighter, my imaginations started getting out of my head. Or at least tried too until I heard her speak. "Who was that?" She said as she held me tighter. "Don't worry..i'll protect you...whoever will hurt you won't survive anyways.."

My mouth lost control again as I said the last part. I cursed in my head. I got pushed off lightly as she ran away. "H-Hey! Where are you going?!" I ask her. "I can't deal with this right now i'm sorry...I just don't understand you or them..at all. Just please leave me alone for a while.." she said back at me as she left me standing there. Yearning for affection once more.

I finished changing up, my heart was about to jump, I wanted to talk to her in private and tell her that I was sorry and explain to her everything. I know I might be stupid, if I told her anything else, I would lose everyone.

I decided not to and instead just find her to get to know her better. And get her away from some people.. I exited out the change room and tried finding them. I couldn't find them on our side of the gym so I looked on the other side.

I slowly peeked behind the curtain only to see Jimin with her. My heart stopped. My head started hurting more and my heart started shattering slowly. A vivid memory in my head pops up as I see everything unfolding. I was thinking of pulling Jimin off her but instead my shoe squeaked and I immediately turned and covered my mouth.

I prayed that they didn't see me. I remember that Jimin was also one of the worst when angry. He does a lot of worse things that any of us can do. I look again and see Y/n walk away from him. Leaving him alone. Even though I couldn't see his face I know how he feels.

And I think he knows how I feel as well...

Tears started forming as I remember all those memories she put in my head. Her face flickering in my head. I'm trying to forget.

But forgetting is the hardest part.

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