~••Mr. Jeon••~

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I went inside and put away my things. The screaming crowds suddenly died down. It was dead silent. I walked down the silent hallways and looked outside at the spring blossoms falling.

It was so silent. Too silent, I heard a clang not that far from where I am. I turned and again saw no one around. I shrugged it off, but little did I know. A cold hand touched my shoulder and I immediately turned around and saw Xiumin standing there.

I grasped my heart pretending that I almost had a heart attack. Xiumin gave a small laugh at my action which made me smile. "Hah sorry if I scared you, the teacher made me search for you and tell you that you're late" I nodded and followed him back to class.


The next day I had to go to a stupid ass school so I wouldn't blow my reputation. And as I expected, everyone was already bowing at our feet. Jimin turned to me and whispered. "Hyung, you've been off lately what's going on with you??" I pushed him away annoyed. Annoyed that I could be searching for her right now, annoyed that I had to be here.

Until someone caught my eye outside the crowd, it was her! A smile was forming on my face. I was at the same school as her. That's going to make things ten times easier. I was gonna leave but the bell rang and I had to go inside.

I went to do what everyone did. I was with Hoseok in the first period. He went before me leaving me in the silent hallway. I was about to turn a corner when I saw her just standing there. That smile i've had for a while now wouldn't leave my face. I rushed back to my things and grabbed something. It was still stained and smeared with blood from last night I had to release my anger.

I wiped it off quickly which made me drop it. I cussed under my breath and picked it up as fast as I could. I prayed that no one heard or else they had to pray that I wouldn't do anything that I might not regret.

Nothing but silence. I went to find her again but only to see a guy with her. She was smiling, something deep down inside me started to feel something that I haven't felt in a long time. But that guy with her was taking her away. I was too late..again.


Xiumin led me back to class and we both took our seats after Mr. Lee scolding me about being late. I sat in the back and started doing my work when Mr. Lee asked for our attention. I didn't pay attention until he said. "We have a new student with us today!" My head shot up. A guy walked in the classroom.

I recognized him from the seven new kids that everyone was screaming for. He started introducing himself. "Hi my name is Jeon Jungkook..." After that I lost my interest. He wasn't different from anyone i've met.

"Is that all? Is there anything else you would like to share with us Mr.Jeon?" I looked up to see his answer only for both of us to make eye contact. His face looked shocked for a second before it changed into his normal expression again.

"Ahem..No sir.." he finally said. Mr.Lee nodded and gestured him to take a seat somewhere. He looked at me and started walking towards me.

I looked beside me and noticed that I had the only empty seat. He sat beside me and class finally started. I tried ignoring him, but it was hard especially if everyones eyes were looking at me and him. Why can't this dude just leave me alone already? He's starting to get on my nerves.

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